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SPEAKING. 28. You argue with your friends that English is an imperial language and it will be dominant next 10 years

28. You argue with your friends that English is an imperial language and it will be dominant next 10 years. Your friends don't agree with you. Give your reasons.

29. Work in small groups. Match the phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents. Look at the phrases and explain in what context the word "language" can be used.

  a technical language a жива мова
  an artificial language b міжнародна мова
  a programming language c універсальна мова
  a world language d державна мова
  a living language e штучна мова
  a foreign language f офіційна мова
  a dead/an extinct language g аналітична мова
  a universal language h спеціальна мова
  a national language i мертва мова
  an analytic language j іноземна мова
  a formal language k комп'ютерна мова

30. Can Esperanto be used for scientific purposes? Give your reasons.

31. Work in small groups. The students of your group have found out some information about the different roles of German, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Hebrew in various times (see Further Reading, UNIT 2, "Later Lingua Franca"). Share this information with your fellowmates.

32. You are a professor at Oxford University. The topic of your lecture is: "The Role of English in Science". Be ready to talk about it. Use information from the text "Imperial English: The Language of Science" and "Language and Science" (see Further Reading, UNIT 2).

33. Do you know about most frequently viewed questions related to English? Find such questions on the Internet or in Further Reading to Unit 2. Share this information with your fellowmates.

Work in small groups. You need to prepare some information about five events that shaped the history of English. Use the Internet resources. Then tell your groupmates about the results of your research.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 471 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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