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Put the verbs into the correct tense. Use the Present Simple and the Present Perfect tenses

More recently David Bohm has made a thoroughgoing analysis of the role of language in science and in thought. Writing with one of us he 1).......... (also explore) how particular world views are enfolded within the ways scientists 2)........... (use) language and shown how fixed forms and the insensitive use of language can lead to blocks in scientific creativity. In particular, Bohm 3).............. (make) a perceptive analysis of the famous break down in communication between Bohr and Einstein which he traced to the different values and meanings that were placed on certain words and concepts.

In his proposal for a new language, the Rheomode, Bohm has also drawn attention to what he 4)....... (feel) to be a defect of our common language in that it enfolds what could be called a mechanistic view of the world. But this appeal for a new language 5)......... (come) into conflict with what linguists feel to be the essential limitations of artificial and so-called improved language systems. How, therefore, is it possible to reconcile Bohm's particular views on the Rheomode within the wider context of his general philosophy and the particular views that are currently held in linguistics? Our answer 6)....... (be) to propose an empirical investigation of the role and use of language within science and, in particular, scientific literature.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 510 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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