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Choose the correct answer. 1. It is our opinion that natural language is perfectly _________

1. It is our opinion that natural language is perfectly _________.

A adequate instrument for the expression of scientific ideas

B instrument adequate for the expression of scientific ideas

C adequate instrument for the scientific ideas of expression

D instrument for the expression adequate of scientific ideas

2. Linguistics _____ the study of the use and organization of language with particular linguistic theories differing in their views on how a and b are organized, or,if you like, how they are acquired and used psychologically.

A has been B is being C is Dis been

3. The current status of the English language compares _____ that of Latin in the past.

Aat B from Cwith Dinto

4. If the pattern ____ the previous language trends, we still have about 100 years before a new language dominates the world.

A will follow B would follow C followed D follows

5. She _____ an article about the role of English in science all morning.

Ahas written B has been writing C writes D wrote

6. We ________ the project devoted to scientific discoveries of 20th century.

Ahave been finishing B have finished C finish D are finishing

24. Fill in the where necessary.

Modern English, sometimes described as 1) ____ first global linguafranca, is the dominant language or in some instances even 2) _____ required international language of 3) _____ communications, science, information technology, business, seafaring, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. Its spread beyond 4) _____ British Isles began with 5) _____ growth of 6) _____ British Empire, and by the late 19th century its reach was truly global. Following British colonisationfrom 7) ____ 16th to 19th centuries, it became the dominant language in 8) _____ United States, 9) ___ Canada, 10) _____ Australia and 11) _____ New Zealand. 12) _____ growing economic and cultural influence of the US and its status as a global superpower since 13) ____ World War II have significantly accelerated the language's spread across the planet. 14) _____ English replaced German as the dominant language of science Nobel Prize laureates during 15) ____ second half of 16) ____ 20th century. English equalled and may have surpassed 17) ____ Frenchas the dominant language of diplomacy during the last half of 18) ____ 19th century.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 602 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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