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Computers can do wonders

Microcomputer technology is already being applied in areas that only some decades ago were impossible. For example, severely handicapped people with cerebral palsy, who have very little limb control, can now use the Blisstern, a computerized version of the 500-symbol Bliss system. Because of their handicap, these people can hear but can’t respond. Now, with the Blisstern, it is possible to extend their skills. In addition to the Blisstern, other devices have been designed to aid the handicapped who are confined to wheel-chairs and have no control, or virtually no control, of their limbs. A special microcomputer that responds to eye movement has been developed which, when attached to a wheelchairs mechanism, allows the person to move about independently. By opening and closing the eyes and blinking, the person can make the wheelchairs start or stop; and when the eyes move left or right, so does the wheelchair. Similarly, there are other devices that have been developed to help severely handicapped people employ the limited use of their fingers or toes to type. Furthermore, such people can now type with their eyes, by simply focusing on the letter to be typed. Attached to the eyeglasses is a small device that responds to the eye and transmits the signal to a typewriter. It takes time to write a letter this way, but it’s better than not being able to write at all. Another example of electronic development in computer technology is the voice box. Until now, people with heavily restricted vision have had to rely on Braille or sighted people to pick out mistakes on the computer screens or printouts. Now, errors shown on the screen are duplicated audibly through a voice synthesizer. This new simpler voice correction system is a boon to all visually-handicapped students.

Moreover, the nature of work is changing in some areas because of the revolution brought about by computers. More and more police departments are now using sophisticated devices to help control the increasing crime rate. Some of these devices are: firstly, a computer terminal inside a police vehicle to answer an officer’s questions; secondly, a computer-controlled display unit for displaying fingerprints; and thirdly, educational systems for police officers such as terminals, enabling them to verify changes in laws, rules and regulations.

The computer memory of many law enforcement systems contains all kinds of information. First and foremost, it has data on stolen items such as cars, license plates and property. Second, it has information on political extremist groups and their activities.

It goes without saying that computers have certainly revolutionized police work by providing access to millions of items of information with the least possible delay and speeding up the process of apprehending suspicious-looking characters.

I. Match the words with their meanings:

  a handicapped person A advantage, blessing, comfort
  a boon B something with the latest improvements
  sophisticated devices C people having power of seeing
  sighted people D a man suffering from some disability
  computer terminals E devices to input data to the computer or to output results onto a screen or paper

II. Decide if the following statements are true or false (T/F) by referring to the information in the text

1. Microcomputer technology can be used for disabled people with cerebral palsy to develop their skills.

2. A special microcomputer attached to a handicapped person confined to wheel-chairs allows him/her to move about independently.

3. Severely handicapped people can now write with a small device attached to their eyeglasses.

4. People with heavily restricted vision have only to rely on Braille or sighted people to correct mistakes on the computer screens or printouts.

5. Computers have changed police work by speeding up the process of getting information and verifying it.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1207 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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