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After you watch

I. Answer the following questions:

1. Did early human being’s remark begin in order to search solutions to basic problems?

2. What did they do to represent the passing of time?

3. What did each tally stand for?

4. What did early people use to represent a group of objects?

5. What did the ancient Babylonians use to represent ones and tens?

6. What did the ancient Egyptians use for numbers? (e.g.: What did a rod (a cattle hobble, a corn flower) stand for?

7. Did the early Romans create a number system showing groups of objects as well as individual objects?

8. Were the oldest human counting systems of Zulu created relying on fingers and toes?

9. Did early people in Nigeria have a complex number system based on 20? What operations did they have?

10. Did Incas like Persians use tied knots and strings for numbers?

11. Were the symbols from 0 to 9 invented in India in the third century BC?

12. What idea had dramatically changed the face of Mathematics?

13. Did fractions gradually emerge when early cultures shared their food and water, their lands?

14. What number system of fractions did the ancient Babylonians have?

15. How did Chinese Societies lovely name numerators and denominators?

16. Did learning algorithms become a hallmark in education in Europe and the North America over a century ago?

17. What computations can be done mentally using today’s

strategies? What computations can be done with a hand-held calculator today?

Give examples

II. Tell the class about the most interesting facts you have learned from the cartoon. Do you agree with information mentioned in the cartoon? Add more information about the development of numbers

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 569 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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