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GRAMMAR. Exercise 5. Using online grammar reference resources (for example, http://www.native-english.ru) read about adjectives

Exercise 5. Using online grammar reference resources (for example, http://www.native-english.ru ) read about adjectives. You can use the following links: http://www.native-english.ru/grammar/english-adjectives


Grammar Revision: Adjectives

Exercise 6. Choose the correct form of an adjective.

1. In Morocco a typical family’s lunch is much __________ than western countries are used to.

a) larger

b) more larger

c) more large

2. We find it much __________ to get on with cultures where people do things in a similar way to us.

a) more easy

b) easier

c) more easier

3. Angolans and Namibians are far __________ from each other.

a) more different

b) different

c) much different

4. Some nations think that they are __________ people in the world.

a) better

b) best

c) the best

5. We’re all born ethnocentric – it’s probably __________ barrier between cultures.

a) greater

b) great

c) the greatest

6. In the Arab world people would drop in on others a lot more – it is a much __________ visiting culture.

a) more informal

b) informal

c) the most informal

7. In China greetings are formal and __________ person is always greeted first.

a) oldest

b) more old

c) the oldest

8. Handshakes are __________ form of greeting with foreigners.

a) the most common

b) the commonest

c) the much common

9. _______ tense and difficult a situation is, the more likely the British are to use humour.

a) The most

b) The more

c) Most

10. In Japan the __________ you bow, the __________ respect you show.

a) deep, more

b) deepest, most

c) deeper, more

Exercise 7. Using the Internet resource http://www.amazon.com find a book Cross-cultural Connections by Duane Elmer. Read the Table of Contents and answer the question: What aspects of cross-cultural communication does the book cover?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 712 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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