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Phrasal verbs

1) The term phrasal verbs means a normal verb like get, look, take followed by one or two prepositions. When the prepositional is added the meaning of the original verb changes. There are different types of phrasal verbs depending on whether there is one preposition or two and whether the verb and preposition can be separated.

2) Verbs with three parts:

Most of the verbs below need an object and the object can only come at the end after both the prepositions:

I am looking forward to my holidays.

To catch up with keep up with

To drop in on live up to

3) Verbs with two parts: these verbs take an object. The object must come after the preposition not between the verb and the preposition.

Call for-come to your house and collect

We will call for about 8.00 so please be ready.

Call on join in

Deal with head for

Get at see to

Get over take after

4)Verbs with two parts: transitive and separable these phrasal verbs take an

Object. This object can come after the preposition or between the verb and preposition.

We brought up this child. We brought her up.

In general, as in the examples above, object phrases tend to be put after the preposition while pronouns(such as you, it, him, her, us, them) are always put

between the verb and the preposition.

Bring up (look after child until adult)

Tom’s aunt brought him up after his parents died.

Call off (cancel)

The school called off the match because of bad weather.

Clear up (make clean and tidy)

Could you help me clear up the room after party?

Cut off (be disconnected during a phone–call)

I’d just got through to Delhi when I was cut off

This is usually used in the passive

Fill in (complete be writing)

Could you fill this form in with all your details, please?

Pick up (collect in a car)

The taxi will pick you up at 6.30.

Verbs with two parts: intransitive

These phrasal verbs do not have object.

Get on (make progress)

Lera likes her new college, and is getting on well

Set off/out (begin a journey)

We set off early to avoid the traffic

Turn up (arrive, often unexpectedly)

We invited twenty people, but only five turned up. Get away (escape) One of the burglars was caught, but the other got away

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 679 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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