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Text 4. Architectural terms

Words and word combinations:

a semicircular – полукруг;

a passageway – проход;

a keystone – замковый камень (свода или арки)

a column – колонна;.

a flying buttress – летящая опора;

a beam – перекладина, брус;

a shaft – стержень колонны;

equal distance – равное расстояние;

a vertical support – вертикальная поддержка;

ambulatory – крытая внутренняя галерея монастыря;

apse – апсида;

arcade – аркада, сводчатая галерея;

arch – 1) арка, свод; 2) дуга, прогиб;

architrave – архитрав;

buttress – опора;

cantilever – консоль, укосина, кронштейн;

capital – капитель;

colonnade – колоннада;

column – колонна;

composite – сложный, смесь;

Corinthian order – Коринфский ордер;

cornice – карниз, свес;

Doric order – Дорический ордер.

Ambulatory is a continuous aisle in a circular building. In a church, the ambulatory serves as a semicircular aisle that encloses the apse.

Apse is a semicircular area. In most churches, the apse is at one end of the building and contains the main altar.

Arcade refers to a series of arches supported by columns or piers. A passageway formed by the arches is also called an arcade.

Arch is curved structure used to support the weight of the material above it. A stone at the top of an arch, called the keystone, holds the other parts in place.

Architrave makes up the lowest part of an entablature. It rests on the capital of a column.

Buttress is a support built against an outside wall of a building. A flying buttress is an arched support that extends from a column or pier to the wall.

Cantilever is a horizontal protection, such as a balcony or a beam, which is supported only at one end.

Capital, in an order, forms the upper part of a column, it separates the shaft from the entablature.

Colonnade means a row of columns, each set an equal distance apart.

Column is a vertical support.In order it consist of a shaft and a capital and often rests on a base.

Composite order is a Roman order.It resembles the Corinthian acanthus leaf decoration with volutes from the Ionic order.

Corinthian order became the last of the Greek orders. It resembles the Ionic order but has an elaborate capital that is decorated with carvings of leaves of the acanthus plant.

Cornice forms the upper part of an entablature and extends spend the frieze.

Doric order was the first and the simplest of the Greek orders. The Doric is the only order that normally has no lose.

(to be continued …)


1. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

in a church; a semicircular area; curved structure; a horizontal protection; a vertical support; order it consist of a shaft and a capital; the Corinthian acanthus leaf; is decorated with carvings of leaves.

2. Say if the following sentences are true or false:

1. A passageway formed by the arches is also called a column.

2. A stone at the top of an arch, called the stone.

3. Colonnade means a row of columns, each set an equal distance apart.

4. Composite order is a Greek order.

5. Architrave makes up the lowest part of an entablature.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. In a church, the … serves as a semicircular aisle that encloses the apse.2. … refers to a series of arches supported by columns or piers.3. A stone at the top of an arch, called the …, holds the other parts in place.4. It resembles the … leaf decoration with volutes from the Ionic order.5. It resembles the Ionic order but has an … capital that is decorated with carvings of leaves of the … plant.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Ambulatory is a continuous aisle in a circular building.2. A passageway formed by the arches is also called an arcade.3. A flying buttress is an arched support that extends from a column or pier to the wall.4.Cantilever is a horizontal protection, such as a balcony or a beam, which is supported only at one end.5. In order it consist of a shaft and a capital and often rests on a base.

5. Learn by heart the terms of architecture.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 449 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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