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Text 3. Education and training of architect in USA


Words and word combinations:

a design test – экзамен по проекту;

annually – ежегодно;

an intern – стажер, практикант;

contractor – работник по контракту;

an internship – стажерство, практика;

a licensing examination – лицензионный экзамен;

the Architect Registration Exam – архитектурный регистрационный экзамен;

divisions – разделение;

various aspects of design – разнообразные аспекты проектов;

constructions – строительство;

materials – материалы;

safety – безопасный..

College graduates must pass a design test, which is given annually in June. Then they must work as an intern in the office of a licensed architect or in the office of an engineer or contractor. However, an internship in an architect’s office can be completed in a shorter period of time.

Upon completing the internship, architects take a licensing examination supervised by a state board. The examination, called the Architect Registration Exam, is given in June of each year. It consists of nine divisions that cover various aspects of design, constructions, materials and safety.

The United States has about 65,000 licensed architects. Only a small number of them are women, but the number of women architects have risen rapidly.

People with training in architecture can also work in related fields. These fields include city planning, industrial design, and interior design and so on.

Licensed architects may open their own office or join the architect society various city, state, and federal agencies also employ architects.


1. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

annually in June; a licensed architect; a licensed architect; supervised by a state board; nine divisions; about 65,000 licensed architects; related fields; city planning.

2. Say if the following sentences are true or false:

1.College graduates must pass a design test, which is given annually in August.

2.However, an internship in an architect’s office can be completed in a long period of time.

3.Upon completing the internship, architects don’t take a licensing examination supervised by a state board.

4.The United States has about 95,000 licensed architects.

5.People with training in architecture can’t work in related fields.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. Then they must work as an … in the office of a licensed architect or in the office of an … or ….2. The examination, called the …, is given in June of each year.3. Only a small number of them are …, but the number of women architects has … rapidly.4. These fields include city…, … design, and … design and so on.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1.College graduates must pass a design test, which is given annually in June. 2. Then they must work as an intern in the office of a licensed architect or in the office of an engineer or contractor.3. Then they must work as an intern in the office of a licensed architect or in the office of an engineer or contractor.4. Only a small number of them are women, but the number of women architects has risen rapidly.5. Licensed architects may open their own office or join the architect society various city, state, and federal agencies also employ architects.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 478 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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