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Fill the gaps with the words from above

Part 1

1) After much public pressure, the ________________ and other judges of the Supreme Court of India have declared their assets. 2) Justice of the Peace had requested that his current ___________, who officially is divided between his own and court clerk duties, become a full-time onу and create a new court clerk position. 3) The Chief Justice told me that this policy of the Australian stops him from nominating credible, well qualified individuals to serve on _____________. 4) A Haverhill woman still insists that she was arrested for what she says is a ________________________ 's mistake. 5) Meanwhile, a representative of the ___________ asked for some time to examine the documents presented by the defence lawyer. 6) The ___________

_________is a dying breed. Generation X and the Millenials are not getting their information in the same manner as people used to.

Part 2

1) We sat in the _____________ on the famous seat, but unlike real jurors, got to ask the "witnesses" our own questions. 2) Today, a ___________________ has cleared Pc Mark Jones of a racially-motivated assault on a London youth. 3) Please be aware that there is a ____________ on the loose. 4) Beside the trial's participants, the case has drawn a small audience whose members watch from the courtroom _____________. 5) He said _______________ earlier gave death sentence to three accused, but the High Court upheld death sentence only to one of the accused. 6) ___________________ tell authorities they didn't see anything in the dark. 7) The charges against the ___________________, a 27 year old from Brooklyn, include grand larceny, identity theft, money laundering, scheme to defraud, and unlawful possession of personal identification information.

Part 3

1) We'll believe you are _______________ when you show us your receipt for the items in the bag. 2) You will be considered innocent until you are proven __________. 3) We will announce at a later date further hearings for the purpose of receiving __________________ from governmental witnesses. 4) Do not assume that cautions or unpalatable advice reflects a lack of competence on the part of your ____________________. 5)But while one is sitting in the dock, the other will be called to take the ______________________________. 6) __________________ enjoys the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury. 7) Among the some 20 people in _____________ in the revolutionary court in Tehran were a former minister and a number of other top political figures

3. The Bar. Read the text and guess the words. The number of “- ” is the number of omitted letters.

In a legal context “bar”has three possible meanings: the division of a court- - - - between its working and public areas; the process of qualifying to practice l- -; and the l - - - - profession.

In general, a candidate for the bar must graduate from a qualified law school and pass a written t- - -: the "b- - examination". Nearly all states use the Multistate Bar E- - - - - - - - -n, usually with additions for that state's laws. The candidate is then "admitted to the bar".

A l - - - - - whose license to practice law is revoked is said to be "dis - - - red."

Say what kind of people should be admitted to the bar/disbarred.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 538 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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