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Listen to the VOA program THIS IS AMERICA devoted to the Supreme Court, make notes, answer the questions and report the story back

1) Which of the Supreme Court rulings do the authors consider to be surprising? Why?

2) What opinions did two opposing groups of people hold regarding the recount of disputed ballots?

3) What are the composition and main duties of the Supreme Court?

4) How many cases were to be heard for the term described?

5)What is the Supreme Court to decide? What decision was made by the Supreme Court regarding the condemned man in North Carolina? How did the Supreme Court delay his execution?

7) What law was approved by Congress in 1990?

8) What did they rule on MizzWiliams’s case against Toyota?

9) Why did the Supreme Court decide what makes a person disabled? 10)What does the trial procedure in the Supreme Court involve? What happens if some justice disagrees with majority-shared opinion?

11) When was the Supreme Court established? What powers did the American Constitution assign to each branch of power?

12) How did Chief Justice John Marshall change the Supreme Court responsibilities and role within the divisions of power?

13) What cases does the Supreme Court consider? Can their decisions be vetoed?

14) Are Supreme Court justices elected? What kind of loyalty are they supposed to demonstrate?

15) What decision were made by Supreme Court justices in 1896 and 1954? Wht do the authors refer to these two rulings?

16) How can American presidents inflience change in the Supreme Court? Why do they try to nominate justices who share their political beliefs?

17) How did the Court change under Chief Justice Earl Warren?

18) What cases can according to some experts be passed under Supreme Court jurisdiction?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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