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Study Court Vocabulary and translate the words and expressions into Russian

Vocabulary part of speech Meaning   Write an example sentence (or translate)
  Part 1  
1) the Bench the place where judges sit in a court  
2) Chief Justice in many countries is the name for the presiding member of a Supreme Court  
3) court clerk an officer of the court whose responsibilities include maintaining the records of a court. Another duty is to administer oaths to witnesses, jurors  
4) court reporter a person whose occupation is to transcribe spoken or recorded speech into written form, typically using machine shorthand or a voice silencer and digital recorder to produce official transcripts of court  
5) bailiff a legal officer to whom some degree of authority, care or jurisdiction is committed. They are of various kinds and their offices and duties vary greatly.  
6) plaintiff also known as a claimant or complainant, is the party who initiates a lawsuit (also known as an action) before a court  
  Part 2  
1) defendant any party who is required to answer the complaint of a plaintiff or pursuer in a civil lawsuit before a court, or any party who has been formally charged or accused of violating a criminal statute.  
2) jury box an enclosure within a courtroom for the jury  
3) the jury a sworn body of people convened to render an impartial verdict. Modern ones tend to be found in courts to judge whether an accused person is innocent or guilty of a crime.  
4) witness someone who has firsthand knowledge about a crime or dramatic event through their senses (e.g. seeing, hearing, smelling, touching)  
5) convict noun convict a person who is doing (or supposed to be doing) jailtime  
6) gallery seats for curious spectators  
7) trial courts court of first instance, court of general jurisdiction is authorized to hear any type of civil or criminal case that is not committed exclusively to another court  
  Part 3  
1) witness stand/box the section of the room set aside for witnesses to stand or sit in while giving their testimony or presenting evidence  
2) advocate one who speaks on behalf of another person, especially in a legal context. It is used primarily in reference to the system of Scots law, Anglo-Dutch law, Scandinavian and Israeli law.  
3) the dock a box in which the accused will sit during proceedings  
4) the accused A person charged with a criminal offense  
5) testimony n a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fac  
6) guilty adjective responsible for a crime, deserving of punishment  
7) innocent adjective not responsible for the crime  

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