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EXERCISES. I. Read the following sentences, in which the Absolute Participle Construction is used at the beginning of the sentence

I. Read the following sentences, in which the Absolute Participle Construction is used at the beginning of the sentence. Translate them into Russian.

1. The weather being fine, we shall start tomorrow. 2. The dictionaries being brought, we were given articles for translating. 3. A novel being really good, you don’t have to be educated to like it. 4. The first part of the work having been finished, the results were published in a journal. 5. The article being well written, it was read with pleasure. 6. The article being difficult, I couldn’t translate it without your help. 8. Most of the work having been done, we decided to have a rest. 9. The lights going out, we stopped our work.

II. Read the following sentences in which the Absolute Participle Construction is used at the end of the sentence. Translate them into Russian.

1. My friend was asked many questions, some of them being very difficult. 2. The teacher gave me two articles yesterday, both containing interesting facts. 3. The professor spoke about the latest achievements in the national economy, his lecture being illustrated by diagrams. 4. The plan was discussed in detail, many workers taking part in this discussion. 5. Many results used before remain true for our case, the proofs being similar. 6. We may use two different methods, the first being the more general one.

III. Read the following sentences, translate them paying attention to the place of the Absolute Participle Construction.

1. The game having ended, the people went home. 2. Cybernetics is a new branch of science, it being developed in the twentieth century. 3. Nobody being there, I went away. 4. The play being very popular, it was difficult to get tickets. 5. Most of the students of our group go in for sports, many of us being fond of gymnastics. 6. The doctor having done everything possible, my sister began recovering. 7. The examinations being over, most of the students left the city. 8. My friend having returned from London, I went to see him. 9. The bridge having been repaired, we were able to cross the river.

IV. Translate the sentences into English, use the Absolute Participle Construction.

1. Так как погода была прекрасная, мы решили провести несколько дней в деревне. 2. Так как было воскресение, библиотека в университете была закрыта. 3. Когда занятия окончились, студенты начали обсуждать свои планы на выходной день. 4. Существует много методик обучения ино- странным языкам, причем данная методика – самая эффективная. 5.Если погода будет такой дождливой, вам придется купить новый плащ. 6. Так как мои часы отставали, я опоздал на 5 минут.

V. Guess the meaning of the following words:

collection (n) [ kq'lekSqn] algebra (n) [ 'xlGIbrq]

object (n) [ 'ObGIkt] phrase (n) [ 'freIz]

element (n) [ elImqnt] symbol (n) [ 'sImbql]

theory (n) [ 'TiqrI] standard (a) [ 'stxndqd]

concrete (a) [ 'kOnkrJt] season (n) [ 'sJzqn]

real (a) [ 'rIql] variation (n) [ vFrI'eISqn]

interest (n) [ 'IntrIst] idea (n) [ aI'dIq]

abstract (a) [ 'xbstrqkt] vertical (a) [ 'vWtIkql]

sphere (n) [ 'sfIq] fact (n) [ 'fxkt]

special (a) [ 'speSql] mathematics (n) [ mxTI'mxtIks]

VI. Read and learn these words:

set (n) [set] множество

belong (v) [bI'LoN] принадлежать

introduce (v) [Intrq'GHs] вводить

capital (a) ['kxpItql] заглавный

convention (n) [kqn'venSqn] договоренность, условие

keep (to) (v) [kJp] придерживаться, держаться (ч-л)

rigidly (adv) ['rJGIlI] строго

occur (v) [q'kW] встречаться

currently (adv) ['kArqntlI] в настоящее время

find out (v) ['faInd'aut] узнать

specify (v) ['spesISaI] точно определять

list (v) ['lIst] перечислять

notation (n) [nou'teISqn] обозначение

enclose (v) [IN'klouz] заключать

curly (a) ['kWlI] фигурный

mention (v) ['menSqn] упоминать, ссылаться

denote (v) [dI'nout] обозначать

allow (v) [q'lau] позволять

property (n) ['prOpqtI] свойство

precisely (adv) ['prIsaIslI] точно, определенно

exact (a) [Ig'zxkt] точный

infinite (a) ['InfInIt] бесконечный

infinitely (adv) ['InfInItlI] бесконечно

finite (a) ['faInaIt] конечный

notion (n) ['nouSqn] понятие

turn out (v) [tWn'Qut] оказываться

confuse (v) ['kqnfjHz] путать, смешивать

empty (a) ['emptI] пустой

distinguish (v) [dIs'tNgwIS] различать

establish (v) [Is'txblIS] установить

concisely (adv) [kqn'saIslI] кратко, сжато

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 336 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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