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EXERCISES. 1. Информатика: Базовый курс / С.В


PARTICIPLE I expressing being expressed
PERFECT PARTICIPLE having expressed having been expressed
PARTICIPLE II -------- expressed

I. Write Participle I (Active and Passive) of the verbs:

to call, to satisfy, to use, to apply, to classify, to add, to divide, to subtract, to multiply.

II. Write Perfect Participle (Active and Passive) of the verbs:

to obtain, to express, to give, to explain, to denote, to divide, to receive, to accept, to ask.

III. Read and translate the following sentences in which:

(1) Participle I Active is used as an attribute.

1. Yesterday I received a letter informing us about their arrival. 2.They are at the conference taking place in the assembly hall now. 3. The Belarusian University is a major centre training specialists for the national economy, science and culture. 4. A child learns how to work out problems involving a particular number or numbers. 5. A beating heart, a running athlete, a dreaming baby and a swimming fish, all generate a form of electricity. 6. Here is a stamp collection containing only one stamp.

(2) Participle I Passive is used as an attribute.

1.The examples being given justify what has already been proved. 2. The solution of the problem being considered can be expressed in other ways. 3. The method being applied seems rather complicated. 4. The device being used can be improved.

(3) Participle II is used as an attribute.

1.This theory put on an axiomatic basis is discussed in the next chapter. 2. All the problems discussed at the conference are very important for our work. 3. Some questions asked by the teacher need precise definitions. 4. A number written in front of an algebraic expression is a coefficient. 5. A formula is a statement of a general rule expressed by means of letters and numbers. 6. Books read in childhood seem like old friends. 7. A dot placed between any two numbers is sometimes used as a sign of multiplication. 8. The methods used in solving this problem were the same. 9. A sequence is a succession of quantities formed according to some fixed law.

IV. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle I as an adverbial modifier:

1. He spends much time in the library, working at his thesis. 2. Discussing some interesting problems they didn’t notice when she came in. 3. Coming home I immediately rang my friend up. 4. Having read a lot about the Tretyakov Gallery we decided to visit it during our winter holidays. 5. Living far from the University I get there by bus. 6. Being interested in mathematics I spend more time on it than on any other subject. 7. Having informed her before, I was sure that she was waiting for me. 8. The students of the University can develop their talents attending various amateur societies.

V. State the forms and the functions of Participle I in the following sentences and translate them.

1. Coming home Ann went to bed immediately as she didn’t feel well. 2. Don’t forget to put the lights out when going to bed. 3. People can become stronger doing some sports. 4. Being impressed by his trip he could speak only about it. 5. Being given two more days he could complete his course paper. 6. Having been considerably improved the device was widely used in research. 7. Waiting for a bus in the morning I saw a terrible accident. 8. Entering the hall you will see a bookstall on the right. 9. The devices being used today are very complicated. 10. Having accepted this concept we could continue our definition. 11. Not being able to read or to think she decided to go for a walk. 12. Being left alone they kept silence for some time. 13. Borrowing the book he promised to return it in two days. 14. Having returned from China they planned a new journey.

VI. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the function of Participle I.

I. 1. Reading a book he always makes notes. The boy reading a book is my friend. 2. Speaking at the meting he gave interesting facts. The girls speaking to the Dean is my sister. 3. Some students graduating from our faculty work at the University. Graduating from the University they can work at plants, offices, higher and secondary schools and for different firms. 4. Helping me she gave some good advice. The girl helping the mother is my elder sister. 5. The woman sitting at the table is my teacher. He likes to read books sitting in an arm-chair.

II. 1. Being very busy he couldn’t help us. 2. Being a theoretician he never tried to work out the formula numerically. 3. Being rather tired, I didn’t join them. 4. Being ill she couldn’t come to the party. 5. Being fond of classical music my friend often visits the Theatre of Opera and Ballet.

III. 1. Being asked about her progress in mathematics she said that she was quite good at it. 2. Being given a dictionary she was able to understand that text. 3. Being asked about her work she said it was of great importance. 4. Being offered to stay for some more days she accepted the invitation. 5. Being asked to do something he always does it readily.

IV. 1. When reading an article Pete had to look up rather many words in the dictionary. 2. While staying in the hall of residence he shared his room with two boys. 3. When going to the University I met a group of people wearing strange clothes. 5. When working in my office I heard a strange noise. 6. When working I like to listen to music though sometimes find it hard to concentrate on music and work at the same time. 7. You should be attentive when playing chess.

V. 1. Having obtained the necessary devices we could finish our experiment. 2. Having accepted these laws the scientists can predict many things. 3. Having become familiar with the main laws of statics we can study the laws of dynamics. 4. Having received this information I told my friend about it. 5. Having prepared all the material for the seminar he left the reading-room.

VII. Fill in the necessary form of Participle I.

1. (to look) out of the window, she noticed her friend. 2. (to send) to the wrong address the letter didn’t reach him. 3. (to ask) to get the book she said she would try. 4. (to be tired) I refused to go for a walk. 5. (to knock) twice and (not to receive) an answer they decided there was nobody in. 6. He was sitting on the sofa (to read) the newspaper. 7. (to go) along the road they saw a strange object on the ground. 8. (to start) in time the preparation will be completed soon. 9. (to say) that he left the room. 10. (to tell) of his arrival I went to see him. 11. (to live) in that town all his life, he knew it very well. 12. (to skate) yesterday she fell and hurt herself.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into English using the necessary form of Participle I.

1. Все студенты, принимающие участие в конкурсном переводе, должны прийти в 12 часов. 2. Так как я устал, я пошел домой. 3. Он взял газету, лежавшую на столе, и начал читать. 4. Идя домой, я встретил моего школьного друга. 5. Он сидел за столом, просматривая журналы по математике. 6. Так как он был невнимателен, он сделал несколько ошибок в контрольной работе. 7. Не зная, как перевести это предло- жение, я попросил моего друга помочь мне. 8. Зная английский язык хорошо, он смог сделать прекрасный доклад на конференции. 9. Собрав весь необходимый материал, он смог хорошо написать курсовую работу. 10. Закончив сочинение, она пошла спать. 11. Тщательно изучив предмет, он смог ответить на все вопросы.

IX. Guess the meaning of the following words:

concept (n) [ 'kOnsept] group (n) [grHp]

operation (n) ["Opq'reISqn] arithmetic (n) [q'rITmqtIk]

element (n) [ 'elImqnt] associative (a) [q'souSI'eItIv]

situation (n) ["sItju'eISqn] rational (n) [ ' rxSInl]

product (n) [ 'prOdqkt] pair (n) [ pFq ]

function (n) [ 'fANkSqn] automatic (a) [ "Ltq'mxtIk]

real (n) [ 'rIql] natural (a) [ 'nxtSrql]

idea (n) [ aI'dIq]

X. Read and learn these words:

set (n) B[set] множество

assign (v) [q'saIn] ставить в соответствие, приписывать

belong (v) [bI'lON] принадлежать

require (v) [rI'kwaIq] требовать

satisfy (v) [ 'sxtIsfaI] удовлетворять

law (n) [ lL] закон, правило

identity (n) [ aI'dentItI] тождество

inverse (a) [ In'vWs] обратный

deal (v) [ dJl ] иметь дело с, рассматривать

field (n) [ 'fJld] поле

emphasize (v) [ 'emfqsaIz] подчеркивать

failure (n) [ 'feIljq] неудача

violate (v) ['vaIqleIt] нарушать

obtain (v) [ qb'teIn] получать

unique (a) [ ju'nJk] единственный

domain (n) [ dq'meIn] область (определения)

range (n) ['reInG] область (изменения)

once (conj) [ wAns] если

shorthand (n) [ 'SLthxnd] краткая запись

confuse (v) [ kqn'fjHz] спутывать, смешивать

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