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Практичне заняття №1 (2 години). 40 страница

которую играла Эвис, приобрела определенную одиозность; odious —

гнусный, мерзкий, ненавистный). Avice in her inexperience, not getting the

laughs she had expected, was rattled (Эвис, в своей неопытности, не услышав

ожидаемого смеха: «не получив того смеха, который она ожидала»,

смутилась); her voice grew hard and her gestures awkward (ее голос стал

напряженным, а жесты неуклюжими).

suppress [sq'pres] sardonic [sQ:'dOnIk] odious ['qVdIqs]

The author had given Avice lines to say that had so much amused the cast at the

first rehearsal that they had all burst out laughing. Before the audience had quite

realized how funny they were Julia had cut in with her reply, and the audience

anxious to hear it suppressed their laughter. The scene which was devised to be

extremely amusing took on a sardonic colour, and the character Avice played

acquired a certain odiousness. Avice in her inexperience, not getting the laughs she

had expected, was rattled; her voice grew hard and her gestures awkward.

Julia took the scene away from her (Джулия отобрала сцену у нее) and played it

with miraculous virtuosity (и сыграла ее с удивительной виртуозностью). But

her final stroke was accidental (но ее окончательный удар был неожиданным:

«случайным»). Avice had a long speech to deliver (Эвис должна была

произнести длинную речь), and Julia nervously screwed her red handkerchief

into a ball (и Джулия нервно скомкала свой красный платок в шар); the action

almost automatically suggested an expression (это самое действие почти что

автоматически подсказало ей выражение /лица/); she looked at Avice with

troubled eyes (она смотрела на Эвис беспокойными глазами) and two heavy

tears rolled down her cheeks (и две тяжелые слезы скатились /вниз/ по ее

щекам). You felt the shame with which the girl's flippancy affected her (каждый

чувствовал ее стыд, который вызвало легкомыслие девушки; to affect —

воздействовать, волновать, вредить), and you saw her pain (и каждый видел

ее боль) because her poor little ideals of uprightness (из-за того, что ее скромные

идеалы справедливости), her hankering for goodness (ее страстное желание

доброты), were so brutally mocked (были так жестоко осмеяны). The episode

lasted no more than a minute (этот эпизод длился не более чем минуту), but in

that minute (но в эту самую минуту), by those tears and by the anguish of her

look (этими слезами и этими муками в ее взоре), Julia laid bare the sordid

misery of the woman's life (Джулия обнажила отвратительные/жалкие

страдания женской доли: «жизни женщины»; to lay bare — раскрывать,

разоблачать, bare — голый, разоблаченный, неприкрашенный). That was the

end of Avice (это было концом Эвис).

virtuosity ["vq:tSV'OsItI] accidental ["xksI'dentl] handkerchief ['hxNkqtSIf]

Julia took the scene away from her and played it with miraculous virtuosity. But

her final stroke was accidental. Avice had a long speech to deliver, and Julia

nervously screwed her red handkerchief into a ball; the action almost automatically

suggested an expression; she looked at Avice with troubled eyes and two heavy

tears rolled down her cheeks. You felt the shame with which the girl's flippancy

affected her, and you saw her pain because her poor little ideals of uprightness, her

hankering for goodness, were so brutally mocked. The episode lasted no more than

a minute, but in that minute, by those tears and by the anguish of her look, Julia

laid bare the sordid misery of the woman's life. That was the end of Avice.

"And I was such a damned fool (и я был таким чертовым дураком), I thought of

giving her a contract (я еще думал о том, чтобы дать ей контракт)," said


"Why don't you (почему же тебе /не дать его сейчас/)?"

"When you've got your knife into her (после того: «когда» как ты вонзила в нее

нож)? Not on your life (ни в коем случае). You're a naughty little thing to be so

jealous (ты, гадкая малышка, /разве можно/ быть такой ревнивой). You don't

really think she means anything to me, do you (ты же не думаешь, что она что-

то для меня значит, так)? You ought to know by now (тебе бы уже пора знать:

«тебе следует знать к этому моменту») that you're the only woman in the world

for me (что ты единственная женщина в мире для меня)."

Michael thought that Julia had played this trick (Майкл думал, что Джулия

сыграла такую шутку) on account of the rather violent flirtation he had been

having with Avice (из-за довольно бурного романа, который у него был с

Эвис; flirtation — флирт, ухаживание), and though, of course, it was hard luck

on Avice (и хотя, конечно же, это было несчастьем для Эвис; hard luck —

горькая судьба, неудачи) he could not help being a trifle flattered (он не мог не

чувствовать себя слегка польщенным).

damned [dxmd] violent ['vaIqlqnt] flirtation [flq:'teIS(q)n]

"And I was such a damned fool, I thought of giving her a contract," said Michael.

"Why don't you?"

"When you've got your knife into her? Not on your life. You're a naughty little

thing to be so jealous. You don't really think she means anything to me, do you?

You ought to know by now that you're the only woman in the world for me."

Michael thought that Julia had played this trick on account of the rather violent

flirtation he had been having with Avice, and though, of course, it was hard luck

on Avice he could not help being a trifle flattered.

"You old donkey (ты, старый осел)," smiled Julia, knowing exactly what he was

thinking (улыбнулась Джулия, точно зная, о чем он думал) and tickled to death

at his mistake (и веселилась до упаду над его ошибкой; to tickle — щекотать,

развлекать, угождать; death — смерть).

"After all, you are the handsomest man in London (в конце концов, ты самый

красивый мужчина в Лондоне)."

"All that's as it may be (все это хорошо; be that as it may — будь что будет, как

бы то ни было). But I don't know what the author'll say (но я не знаю, что

скажет автор). He's a conceited little ape (он самодовольная обезьянка) and it's

not a bit the scene he wrote (и это совсем не та сцена была, что он написал)."

"Oh, leave him to me (о, оставь его мне). I'll fix him (я улажу с ним; to fix —

укреплять, определять)."

There was a knock at the door (раздался стук в дверь) and it was the author

himself who came in (и это был сам автор, который и вошел в /костюмерную

Джулии/). With a cry of delight (с возгласом: «криком» восторга), Julia went up

to him (Джулия подошла к нему), threw her arms round his neck (обвила

своими руками его шею) and kissed him on both cheeks (и расцеловала его в

обе щеки).

"Are you pleased (вы довольны)?"

"It looks like a success (все выглядит, как успех)," he answered, but a trifle

coldly (ответил он, но слегка холодновато).

ape [eIp] fix [fIks] success [sqk'ses]

"You old donkey," smiled Julia, knowing exactly what he was thinking and tickled

to death at his mistake. "After all, you are the handsomest man in London."

"All that's as it may be. But I don't know what the author'll say. He's a conceited

little ape and it's not a bit the scene he wrote."

"Oh, leave him to me. I'll fix him."

There was a knock at the door and it was the author himself who came in. With a

cry of delight, Julia went up to him, threw her arms round his neck and kissed him

on both cheeks.

"Are you pleased?"

"It looks like a success," he answered, but a trifle coldly.

"My dear, it'll run for a year (дорогой мой, да она будет идти целый год)." She

placed her hands on his shoulders (она положила руки ему на плечи) and looked

him full in the face (и посмотрела прямо ему в лицо). "But you're a wicked,

wicked man (но вы гадкий, гадкий человек; wicked — злой, нехороший,


"You almost ruined my performance (вы почти что разрушили мою игру). When

I came to that bit in the second act (когда я дошла до того места: «куска» во

втором акте) and suddenly saw what it meant (и внезапно увидела, что оно

действительно означает) I nearly broke down (я чуть не провалилась:

«потерпела неудачу»). You knew what was in that scene, you're the author (вы-

то знали, что /именно/ было в той сцене, вы же автор); why did you let us

rehearse it all the time (почему же вы позволили нам репетировать ее все это

время) as if there was no more in it than appeared on the surface (как если бы в

ней не было ничего больше, чем видно на поверхности; to appear —

появляться, показываться)? We're only actors (мы всего лишь актеры), how

can you expect us to — to fathom your subtlety (как вы можете ожидать от нас

/что мы/ сможем — сможем постичь всю вашу утонченность)? It's the best

scene in your play (эта самая лучшая сцена в вашей пьесе) and I almost bungled

it (и я чуть не испортила все дело: «ее»). No one in the world could have written

it but you (никто в мире не смог бы написать ее, кроме вас). Your play's

brilliant (ваша пьеса блестяща), but in that scene there's more than brilliance,

there's genius (но в этой сцене есть нечто большее, чем великолепие, в ней


shoulder ['SqVldq] wicked ['wIkId] ruin ['ru:In] surface ['sq:fIs]

fathom ['fxD(q)m] subtlety ['sAt(q)ltI]

"My dear, it'll run for a year." She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked

him full in the face. "But you're a wicked, wicked man."

"You almost ruined my performance. When I came to that bit in the second act and

suddenly saw what it meant I nearly broke down. You knew what was in that

scene, you're the author; why did you let us rehearse it all the time as if there was

no more in it than appeared on the surface? We're only actors, how can you expect

us to — to fathom your subtlety? It's the best scene in your play and I almost

bungled it. No one in the world could have written it but you. Your play's brilliant,

but in that scene there's more than brilliance, there's genius."

The author flushed (автор залился краской). Julia looked at him with veneration

(Джулия смотрела на него с благоговением). He felt shy and happy and proud

(он чувствовал себя смущенным, счастливым и гордым).

("In twenty-four hours the mug'll think (через сутки: «двадцать четыре часа»

этот простофиля будет думать) he really meant the scene to go like that (что он

действительно задумывал, что бы эта сцена выглядела: «была сыграна»

именно так).")

Michael beamed (Майкл сиял).

"Come along to my dressing-room and have a whisky and soda (пойдем в мою

грим-уборную и выпьем по виски с содовой). I'm sure you need a drink after all

that emotion (я уверен, что вам необходимо выпить после всех этих

переживаний; drink — питье, напиток, в т.ч. алкогольный)."

They went out as Tom came in (они вошли, когда вошел Том). Tom's face was

red with excitement (лицо Тома было красным от возбуждения).

"My dear, it was grand (дорогая моя, это было великолепно). You were simply

wonderful (ты была просто удивительна). Gosh, what a performance (Боже, что

за представление)."

"Did you like it (тебе понравилось)? Avice was good, wasn't she (Эвис была

хороша, не так ли)?"

"No, rotten (нет, отвратительна)."

"My dear, what do you mean (дорогой мой, что ты имеешь в виду)? I thought

she was charming (я думала, что она была очаровательной)."

"You simply wiped the floor with her (да ты просто разбила ее наголову:

«подтерла ею пол»). She didn't even look pretty in the second act (она даже не

выглядела хорошенькой во втором акте)."

Avice's career (Эвис и ее карьера)!

veneration ["venq'reIS(q)n] beam [bi:m] grand [grxnd]

The author flushed. Julia looked at him with veneration. He felt shy and happy and


("In twenty-four hours the mug'll think he really meant the scene to go like that.")

Michael beamed.

"Come along to my dressing-room and have a whisky and soda. I'm sure you need

a drink after all that emotion."

They went out as Tom came in. Tom's face was red with excitement.

"My dear, it was grand. You were simply wonderful. Gosh, what a performance."

"Did you like it? Avice was good, wasn't she?"

"No, rotten."

"My dear, what do you mean? I thought she was charming."

"You simply wiped the floor with her. She didn't even look pretty in the second


Avice's career!

"I say, what are you doing afterwards (слушай, что ты делаешь позже)?"

"Dolly's giving a party for us (Долли устраивает прием в нашу честь: «для


"Can't you cut it and come along to supper with me (ты не можешь удрать и

пойти поужинать со мной)? I’m madly in love with you (я безумно люблю


"Oh, what nonsense (о, какая ерунда). How can I let Dolly down (как я могу

подвести Долли)?"

"Oh, do (ну пожалуйста)."

His eyes were eager (его глаза /горели/ от нетерпения). She could see that he

desired her as he had never done before (она могла видеть, что он хотел ее

больше, чем когда-либо /хотел/ раньше), and she rejoiced in her triumph (и она

обрадовалась своей победе: «триумфу»). But she shook her head firmly (но она

твердо покачала головой). There was a sound in the corridor (в коридоре

раздался звук) of a crowd of people talking (толпы разговаривающих людей),

and they both knew (и они оба поняли) that a troop of friends were forcing their

way down the narrow passage to congratulate her (что целая группа ее друзей

прокладывала себе путь по узкому проходу, чтобы поздравить ее; to force —

заставлять, принуждать).

"Damn all these people (черт побери всех этих людей). God, how I want to kiss

you (Боже, как же я хочу поцеловать тебя). I'll ring you up in the morning (я

позвоню тебе утром)."

afterwards ['Q:ftqwqdz] rejoice [rI'dZOIs] congratulate [kqn'grxtjVleIt]

"I say, what are you doing afterwards?"

"Dolly's giving a party for us."

"Can't you cut it and come along to supper with me? I’m madly in love with you."

"Oh, what nonsense. How can I let Dolly down?"

"Oh, do."

His eyes were eager. She could see that he desired her as he had never done before,

and she rejoiced in her triumph. But she shook her head firmly. There was a sound

in the corridor of a crowd of people talking, and they both knew that a troop of

friends were forcing their way down the narrow passage to congratulate her.

"Damn all these people. God, how I want to kiss you. I'll ring you up in the


The door burst open (дверь с шумом распахнулась) and Dolly, fat, perspiring and

bubbling over with enthusiasm (и Долли, толстая, исходящая испариной:

«потеющая», кипящая от энтузиазма; to bubble — пузыриться, булькать,

бить ключом), swept in at the head of a throng that packed the dressing-room to

suffocation (ворвалась в комнату во главе целой толпы, которая набилась в

грим-уборной /Джулии/ так, что нечем стало дышать: «до удушения»; to pack

— упаковывать; заполнять, скучиваться). Julia submitted to being kissed by all

and sundry (Джулия позволяла себя целовать всем и каждому; all and sundry

— все вместе и каждый в отдельности). Among others were three or four well-

known actresses (среди других были три или четыре известные актрисы), and

they were prodigal of their praise (и они были щедры на свои похвалы). Julia

gave a beautiful performance of unaffected modesty (Джулия прекрасно






непринужденный, искренний). The corridor was packed now with people

(коридор был теперь уже забит людьми) who wanted to get at least a glimpse of

her (которые хотели, по крайней мере, хоть мельком взглянуть на нее). Dolly

had to fight her way out (Долли пришлось с боем прокладывать себе путь к

выходу; to fight — сражаться, драться, бороться).

"Try not to be too late (постарайся не слишком опаздывать)," she said to Julia.

"It's going to be a heavenly party (это будет великолепный прием)."

"I'll come as soon as ever I can (я приеду так скоро, как только смогу)."

perspirable [pq'spaI(q)rqb(q)l] suffocation ["sAfq'keIS(q)n]

prodigal ['prOdIg(q)l]

The door burst open and Dolly, fat, perspiring and bubbling over with enthusiasm,

swept in at the head of a throng that packed the dressing-room to suffocation. Julia

submitted to being kissed by all and sundry. Among others were three or four well-

known actresses, and they were prodigal of their praise. Julia gave a beautiful

performance of unaffected modesty. The corridor was packed now with people

who wanted to get at least a glimpse of her. Dolly had to fight her way out.

"Try not to be too late," she said to Julia. "It's going to be a heavenly party."

"I'll come as soon as ever I can."

At last the crowd was got rid of (в конечном счете, от толпы удалось

избавиться) and Julia, having undressed, began to take off her make-up (и

Джулия, раздевшись, начала снимать грим). Michael came in, wearing a

dressing-gown (вошел Майкл, одетый в халат).

"I say, Julia, you'll have to go to Dolly's party by yourself (послушай, Джулия,

тебе придется ехать на прием к Долли одной). I've got to see the libraries (я

должен повидаться с газетчиками; library — библиотека, собрание книг;

архив газеты) and I can't manage it (и я не смогу успеть; to manage —

руководить, управлять, справиться, ухитриться). I'm going to sting them (я

собираюсь их накачать: «возбудить»; to sting — жалить, причинять острую

боль, побуждать, одурачить)."

"Oh, all right (о, хорошо)."

"They're waiting for me now (они уже ждут меня сейчас). See you in the

morning (увидимся утром)."

He went out and she was left alone with Evie (он вышел, и она осталась одна с

Эви). The dress she had arranged to wear for Dolly's party was placed over a chair

(платье, которое она собиралась надеть на прием Долли, лежало на кресле).

Julia smeared her face with cleansing cream (Джулия намазало лицо

очищающим кремом; cleansing cream — крем для снятия косметики).

library ['laIbr(q)rI] sting [stIN] smear [smIq]

At last the crowd was got rid of and Julia, having undressed, began to take off her

make-up. Michael came in, wearing a dressing-gown.

"I say, Julia, you'll have to go to Dolly's party by yourself. I've got to see the

libraries and I can't manage it. I'm going to sting them."

"Oh, all right."

"They're waiting for me now. See you in the morning."

He went out and she was left alone with Evie. The dress she had arranged to wear

for Dolly's party was placed over a chair. Julia smeared her face with cleansing


"Evie, Mr. Fennel will be ringing up tomorrow (Эви, мистер Феннелл будет

звонить завтра). Will you say I'm out (не скажешь ли ему, что меня нет на


Evie looked in the mirror and caught Julia's eyes (Эви посмотрела в зеркало и

поймала взгляд Джулии).

"And if he rings up again (а если он снова позвонит)?"

"I don't want to hurt his feelings, poor lamb (мне бы не хотелось обидеть его

чувств, бедный ягненочек), but I have a notion I shall be very much engaged for

some time now (но у меня такое представление, что теперь я буду очень

сильно занята на некоторое время)."

Evie sniffed loudly (Эви громко шмыгнула носом), and with that rather

disgusting habit of hers (и, с этой своей довольно отвратительной привычкой)

drew her forefinger across the bottom of her nose (провела своим указательным

пальцем под носом: «вдоль основания своего носа»).

"I understand (я поняла)," she said dryly (сказала она сухо).

"I always said you weren't such a fool as you looked (я всегда говорила, что ты

не такая дура, как выглядишь)." Julia went on with her face (Джулия

продолжила /очищать/ лицо). "What's that dress doing on that chair (что это

платье делает на том кресле)?"

"That (то)? That's the dress you said you'd wear for the party (это то самое

платье, которое, как вы сказали, вы наденете на прием)."

"Put it away (убери его: «отложи его в сторону»). I can't go to the party without

Mr. Gosselyn (я не могу идти на прием без мистера Госселина)."

"Since when (с каких это пор)?"

sniff [snIf] disgusting [dIs'gAstIN] forefinger ['fO:"fINgq]

"Evie, Mr. Fennel will be ringing up tomorrow. Will you say I'm out?"

Evie looked in the mirror and caught Julia's eyes.

"And if he rings up again?"

"I don't want to hurt his feelings, poor lamb, but I have a notion I shall be very

much engaged for some time now."

Evie sniffed loudly, and with that rather disgusting habit of hers drew her

forefinger across the bottom of her nose.

"I understand," she said dryly.

"I always said you weren't such a fool as you looked." Julia went on with her face.

"What's that dress doing on that chair?"

"That? That's the dress you said you'd wear for the party."

"Put it away. I can't go to the party without Mr. Gosselyn."

"Shut up, you old hag (заткнись, ты старая ведьма). Phone through and say that

I've got a bad headache (дозвонись и скажи, что у меня сильная головная боль)

and had to go home to bed (и я была вынуждена поехать домой и лечь в

постель), but Mr. Gosselyn will come if he possibly can (но что мистер Госселин

приедет, если только сможет)."

"The party's being given special for you (этот прием устраивается специально в

вашу честь). You can't let the poor old gal down like that (вы же не можете вот

так вот подвести бедную старушку: «бедную старую девчушку»)?"

Julia stamped her feet (Джулия топнула ногой).

"I don't want to go to a party (я не хочу идти ни на какой прием). I won't go to a

party (я не пойду ни на какой прием)."

"There's nothing for you to eat at home (дома нечего есть: «ничего для вас нет

поесть дома»)."

"I don't want to go home (я не хочу ехать домой). I'll go and have supper at a

restaurant (я поеду и поужинаю в ресторане)."

"Who with (с кем это)?"

"By myself (одна)."

Evie gave her a puzzled glance (Эви озадаченно взглянула на нее).

"The play's a success, isn't it (спектакль же имел успех, не так ли)?"

headache ['hedeIk] special ['speS(q)l] restaurant [

"Since when?"


"Shut up, you old hag. Phone through and say that I've got a bad headache and had

to go home to bed, but Mr. Gosselyn will come if he possibly can."

"The party's being given special for you. You can't let the poor old gal down like


Julia stamped her feet.

"I don't want to go to a party. I won't go to a party."

"There's nothing for you to eat at home."

"I don't want to go home. I'll go and have supper at a restaurant."

"Who with?"

"By myself."

Evie gave her a puzzled glance.

"The play's a success, isn't it?"

"Yes. Everything's a success (да, все имело успех). I feel on the top of the world

(я ощущаю себя на седьмом небе: «на вершине мира»). I feel like a million

dollars (я чувствую себя превосходно: «как миллион долларов»). I want to be

alone and enjoy myself (я хочу побыть одна и насладиться этим). Ring up the

Berkeley and tell them to keep a table for one in the little room (позвони в

«Беркли» и скажи им, чтобы зарезервировали: «придержали» столик на

одного в маленькой зале). They'll know what I mean (они поймут, что я имею в


"What's the matter with you (да что с вами такое)?"

"I shall never in all my life have another moment like this (у меня никогда

больше в жизни не будет такого момента). I'm not going to share it with anyone

(и я не собираюсь делиться с ним с кем бы то ни было)."

When Julia had got her face clean she left it (когда Джулия очистила лицо, она

оставила его /как есть/). She neither painted her lips nor rouged her cheeks (она

не накрасила губы и не нарумянила щеки). She put on again the brown coat and

skirt in which she had come to the theatre and the same hat (она надела снова те

же самые коричневые пиджак и юбку, в которых она приехала в театр, и ту

же самую шляпку). It was a felt hat with a brim (это была фетровая шляпа с

полями), and this she pulled down over one eye (и ее она надвинула: «натянула»

низко на один бок: «над одним глазом») so that it should hide as much of her

face as possible (так, чтобы она скрыла как можно больше ее лицо: «так много

ее лица, как только возможно»). When she was ready she looked at herself in the

glass (когда она была готова, она взглянула на себя в зеркало).

success [sqk'ses] million ['mIljqn] hide [haId]

"Yes. Everything's a success. I feel on the top of the world. I feel like a million

dollars. I want to be alone and enjoy myself. Ring up the Berkeley and tell them to

keep a table for one in the little room. They'll know what I mean."

"What's the matter with you?"

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 194 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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