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case that were in the rack to the carriage madame had just left. 43 страница

prig, that's all (он просто маленький глупый педант)." She indicated a gesture

towards the dance room (она показала жестом на танцевальный зал). The lights

had been lowered (огни были притушены), and from where she sat (и с того

места, где она сидела) it looked more than ever like a scene in a play (он

выглядел еще больше, чем когда-либо, как сцена из спектакля)." 'All the

world's a stage (весь мир театр), and all the men and women merely players (и

все мужчины и женщины всего лишь актеры).' But there's the illusion, through

that archway (но там она, иллюзия — за тем: «через» арочным проходом); it's

we, the actors, who are the reality (это мы, актеры, кто сама реальность).

elation [I'leIS(q)n] prig [prIg] illusion [I'lu:Z(q)n]

She did not, however, let this melancholy reflection disturb her serenity for long.

Her elation was indeed such that she felt capable of creating dramatists from the

vast inane as Deucalion created men from the stones of the field.

"What nonsense that was that Roger talked the other day, and poor Charles, who

seemed to take it seriously. He's a silly little prig, that's all." She indicated a

gesture towards the dance room. The lights had been lowered, and from where she

sat it looked more than ever like a scene in a play." 'All the world's a stage, and all

the men and women merely players.' But there's the illusion, through that archway;

it's we, the actors, who are the reality.

That's the answer to Roger (вот и ответ Роджеру). They are our raw material (они

наше сырье: «сырой материал»). We are the meaning of their lives (мы смысл

их жизни). We take their silly little emotions (мы берем их глупые ничтожные

эмоции) and turn them into art (и превращаем их в искусство), out of them we

create beauty (из них мы создаем красоту), and their significance is that they

form the audience we must have to fulfil ourselves (и все их значение в том, что

они образуют публику, которую мы должны иметь, чтобы мы могли показать

свои способности; to fulfil — выполнять, соответствовать, реализовывать

возможности). They are the instruments on which we play (они инструменты,

на которых мы играем), and what is an instrument without somebody to play on

it (и что есть инструмент без кого-то, кто сможет играть на нем)?"

The notion exhilarated her (эта идея развеселила Джулию), and for a moment or

two she savoured it with satisfaction (и какое-то мгновение или два она

смаковала ее с удовлетворением). Her brain seemed miraculously lucid (ее мозг

казался удивительно ясным).

answer ['Q:nsq] raw [rO:] exhilarate [Ig'zIlqreIt] lucid ['lu:sId]

That's the answer to Roger. They are our raw material. We are the meaning of their

lives. We take their silly little emotions and turn them into art, out of them we

create beauty, and their significance is that they form the audience we must have to

fulfil ourselves. They are the instruments on which we play, and what is an

instrument without somebody to play on it?"

The notion exhilarated her, and for a moment or two she savoured it with

satisfaction. Her brain seemed miraculously lucid.

"Roger says we don't exist (Роджер говорит, что мы не существуем). Why, it's

only we who do exist (ба, да только мы-то и существуем). They are the shadows

(они — тени) and we give them substance (и мы придаем им сущность). We are

the symbols (мы символы) of all this confused, aimless struggling that they call

life (всей этой запутанной, бесцельной борьбы, что они называют жизнью),

and it's only the symbol which is real (и только символ реален). They say acting

is only make-believe (а они говорят, что актерская игра это всего лишь

притворство). That make-believe is the only reality (это притворство и есть

единственная реальность)."

Thus Julia out of her own head framed anew the platonic theory of ideas (таким

вот образом Джулия, из собственной головы, сформулировала заново,

теорию идей Платона; platonic — относящийся к Платону или его учению,

платонический). It filled her with exultation (она /теория/ наполнила ее

ликованием). She felt a sudden wave of friendliness for that immense anonymous

public (она почувствовала внезапную волну дружелюбия ко всей этой

огромной безымянной: «анонимной» публике), who had being only to give her

opportunity to express herself (которая существовала только для того, чтобы

дать ей возможность выразить себя).

substance ['sAbstqns] symbol ['sImb(q)l] immense [I'mens]

anonymous [q'nOnImqs]

"Roger says we don't exist. Why, it's only we who do exist. They are the shadows

and we give them substance. We are the symbols of all this confused, aimless

struggling that they call life, and it's only the symbol which is real. They say acting

is only make-believe. That make-believe is the only reality."

Thus Julia out of her own head framed anew the platonic theory of ideas. It filled

her with exultation. She felt a sudden wave of friendliness for that immense

anonymous public, who had being only to give her opportunity to express herself.

Aloof on her mountain top (уединенная на своей вершине горы) she considered

the innumerable activities of men (она размышляла о бесчисленных действиях:

«деятельности» людей). She had a wonderful sense of freedom from all earthly

ties (она чувствовала: «у нее было удивительное чувство»: удивительную

свободу от любых: «всех» земных уз), and it was such an ecstasy that nothing in

comparison with it had any value (и это было таким экстазом, что ничего в

сравнении с ним, не имело никакой ценности). She felt like a spirit in heaven

(она чувствовала себя, подобно душе в раю).

The head waiter came up to her with an ingratiating smile (метрдотель подошел к

ней с обворожительной улыбкой).

"Everything all right, Miss Lambert (все в порядке, мисс Лэмберт)?"

"Lovely (восхитительно). You know, it's strange how people differ (вы знаете,

это странно, какие люди разные; to differ — различаться, отличаться,

расходиться во мнениях). Mrs. Siddons was a rare one for chops (миссис

Сиддонс обожала отбивные котлеты; rare — редкий, редко встречающийся,

исключительный, необычайный); I'm not a bit like her in that (я совсем на нее

не похожа в этом); I'm a rare one for steaks (я обожаю бифштексы)."

mountain ['maVntIn] value ['vxlju:] rare [req]

Aloof on her mountain top she considered the innumerable activities of men. She

had a wonderful sense of freedom from all earthly ties, and it was such an ecstasy

that nothing in comparison with it had any value. She felt like a spirit in heaven.

The head waiter came up to her with an ingratiating smile.

"Everything all right, Miss Lambert?"

"Lovely. You know, it's strange how people differ. Mrs. Siddons was a rare one for

chops; I'm not a bit like her in that; I'm a rare one for steaks."




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