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Lesson 19

9. Match each person with the place where he/she works.

1) artist a) bakery

2) astronomer b) circus

3) baker c) embassy

4) clown d) football pitch

5) dentist e) garage

6) diplomat f) library

7) librarian g) observatory

8) mechanic h) restaurant

9) professor i) school

10) referee j) studio

11) teacher k) surgery

12) waiter/waitress l) university

10. Match the pictures with the professions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a) a mechanic c) a farmer e) a fitter g) a scientist

b) a welder d) an electrician f) a computer operator

11. Read the words and word-combinations with the translation

a fitter – монтер, слюсар

a radioassembler – радіомонтажник

a turner – токар

an accountant – бухгалтер

an adjuster – монтажник, складальник

a weaver – ткач, ткаля

a welder – зварювальник

a career – кар’єра

to make a career – зробити кар’єру

the beginning of the career –початок кар’єри

to become a geologist – стати геологом

would/should like to be – хотілось би бути

to behave – поводитись

farming – хліборобство; заняття сільським господарством

12. Discussing jobs. Using the Key Words box, in pairs, discuss the following questions.

What jobs areas have become more important in the last ten years?

What jobs have become less important?

What skills and qualities are useful to get a good job nowadays?

Job areas: the media, information technology, agriculture, coal mining, ship building, jurisprudence, dentist surgery, health services, the education

Skills: language skills, communications kills, computer skills, driving, typing, organizational ability, efficiency.

Qualities: initiative, creativity, co-operation, flexibility, motivation, activity.

13. Read the texts about professions and retell them.

I’m Olexiy Kravchenko. I’m a geologist. I think it’s the most useful job, especially in such a large country as Ukraine. There are many places which are still unexplored. Our economy needs coal, gold and geologists find them. This job is very interesting and romantic.


Volodymyr Savchenko is a mechanic. He is young, he is 28. he likes technique. It’s coming from his family. His father and grandfather are mechanics too. Volodymyr works in the shop where cars are made ready. He believes the job of mechanic is very useful.


Let me introduce myself. I’m Bohdan Seliuk. I want to be an agronomist farming in Ukraine needs thousands of highly-qualified specialists. That’s why I decided to enter the Agrarian University. I think the work of an agronomist is very important. Besides, I like living in the country.

14. Translate into English in writing (Consult §25, 26).

1.Я хотіла б стати стюардесою, а моя сестра – вчителькою. 2. Ким ти хотіла б стати? – Лікарем. 3. Я хотів би записати, але у мене немає ручки. 4. Він хотів би почитати, але у нього не має книжки. 5. Я хотів би стати інженером. А ти?

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