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Lesson 15. 23. Read and remember the words:

23. Read and remember the words:

web – павутиння

electronic mail (e-mail) – електрона пошта

on-line – оперативний режим

chat room – чат

response – відповідь

receive [ri ´si:v] – одержувати

attach – прикріплювати

home page – домашня сторінка

browser – браузер

folder – папка

download – завантажувати

insert – вставляти

utilities – службові програми

delete – викреслювати

access – доступ

device – прилад

security – безпека

24. Read the text and translate it.

The Internet is a global computer network. It began in the United States of America in 1969 as a military experiment. Most of the Internet host computers are in the United States. Host computer, a computer connected to the Internet that provides services to other computers on the network. A provider is a company that sells computer access to the Internet.

The most popular Internet service is e-mail. E-mail (electronic mail) is a way of sending messages between computers. E-mail addresses are very interesting. The most important symbol in an e-mail is the @ sign, which separates the personal user’s identification on the left, from the domain, or machine address, on the right. Here’s an example of e-mail address: [email protected].

www – World Wide Web

A browser is a program that allows a computer to display documents containing text, graphics, photographs, sounds, videos and animations. Most browsers are used to view information on the World Wide Web.

Netscape and Internet Explorer are Internet browsers. Netscape and latter called Netscape Navigator is a Web browser. Navigator is the best-known software product of Netscape Communications Corporation.

Modem is a device that coverts between analog and digital signals.

Login is a command to gain access to a computer, computer network, computer program, or other devices.

Password is the access code.

Hypertext allows the user to jump easily from one document to another.

“Chats” or chat rooms are on-line conversations.

Home page is the starting point or front page of a website.

25. Answer the questions:

1. What is Internet? 2. When did it begin? 3. Where are most of the Internet host computers? 4. What is host computer? 5. What is a provider? 6. What is the most popular Internet service? 7. What is e-mail? 8. What is the most important symbol in an e-mail address? 9. What does it separate? 10. What does a browser allow? 11. What Internet browsers do you know? 12. What kind of device is a modem? 13. What is login? 14. What is password? 15. What does hypertext allow the user? 16. What are “chats”? 17. What is home page?

26. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.

1. I (meet) two of my friends today. I (meet) them on the way to school 2. A month ago my uncle (build) a new house in the country. We (visit) it recently and (enjoy) ourselves very much. 3. He (forget) to close the window when he (leave) the house. 4. He (write) several letters this week. 5. Jack London (to be born) in San Francisco in an extremely poor family. 6. You (read) many books by Jack London?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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