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Lesson 16

27. Answer the following questions:

1. Are you fond of reading? 2. What kind of books do you usually read? 3. Is there a book that you read several times? 4. Do you put out a book that seems dull to you? 5. What book are you reading now? 6. How many books did you read last year? 7. Is there a library in your college? 8. Are there any books on English History and Geography there? 9. What kinds of books can you get from the library? 10. What are your favourite books? 11. Who is your favourite author?

28. Read and memorize the words:

to subscribe to [səb´skraib] – записатися до

perhaps [pə´hæps] – можливо

poetry [´pouitri] – поезія

librarian [lai´brɛəriən] – бібліотекар

edition – видання

order [´כ:də] – порядок; замовляти

sci-fic [´saifik] = scientific fiction – науково-популярна література

to print – друкувати

contemporary [kən´tempərəri] – сучасний

to return [ri´tə:n] – повертати (ся)

copy – примірник

extremely [iks´tri:mli] – украй, надзвичайно

to refer to [ri´fə:] – посилатися на

reference [´refrəns] – довідка

29. Read the word combinations and sentences with the translation.

a scientific library Наукова бібліотека
a traveling library Пересувна бібліотека
to get books from the library Брати книжки з бібліотеки
to subscribe to the library Записуватися до бібліотеки
to learn the library regulations Ознайомитися з правилами користування бібліотекою
to leave an order for a book Залишити замовлення на книжку
a reference library Зала довідкової літератури
A reference book Довідник
to read books in the original Читати книжки в оригіналі
to be interested in foreign languages Цікавитися іноземними мовами
books on English History Книжки з історії Англії
This book is out. Цієї книжки немає
Adapted English books Адаптовані книжки англійською мовою

30. Read the text


There are different kinds of libraries: public libraries, children’s libraries, school libraries, personal libraries, scientific libraries and even traveling libraries.

If you want to get books from a library, you subscribe to it. But first you must learn the library regulations.

We usually keep a book for a week or perhaps two before giving it back. If, by the end of the second week, you hadn’t finish reading a book, you may reregister it for another two weeks. If the book you want is out, you may leave an order for it. The librarian will send you a postcard to inform you that the book is in.

Most public libraries have reading rooms and reference libraries. In the reading room there are tables at which you can sit and read books, newspapers and magazines. In the reference library there are encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases and many other reference books. These may not be taken out.

Secondary school pupils who are interested in foreign languages visit libraries to get books in English, French and other languages. They will find adapted books for each special class and books in the original.

31. Read the dialogue. Practice it in pairs. Make up similar dialogues.

Ann: Good morning.

Librarian: Good morning.

Ann: Have you got any interesting English books?

Librarian: Yes, we have some. Which English writers do you like?

Ann: I like Charles Dickens. I’ve read a lot of books by Dickens.

Librarian: Did you read them in English or in Ukrainian?

Ann: I read them in Ukrainian in my childhood. I didn’t know English at that time.

Librarian: Have you read any books by English writers in the original?

Ann: No, I haven’.

Librarian: Then don’t take any books by Dickens now. They are too difficult or you. Take a book by Oscar Wilde or Jack London. Their books are easier for reading.

Ann: All right. Please show me some books by Oscar Wilde.

Librarian: I’m very sorry, but we haven’t got any books by Oscar Wilde at the moment. I advise you to take a book by Jack London. Shall I get you “Martin Eden” or “White Fang”?

Ann: Please give me “Martin Eden”.

Librarian: Here it is.

Ann: Thank you very much.

32. Read the following common and decimal fractions. (Consult § 9)

a) ; ; ; ; ;

b) 7.5; 15.37; 9.05; 100.05; 0.38; 10.008; 3.07;

33. Replace the infinitive in brackets by the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite(Consult §25, 26).

1. The children (to do) their homework. Now they can go to the skating-rink. 2. You ever (to be) in Warsaw? – Yes, I (to be) there last year. 3. I already (to send) the telegram. 4. I (to send) the telegram yesterday. 5. I (not to see) him in January. 6. I (not to see) him since January. 7. We (not to receive) any letters from her lately. 8. They (to go) to the camp three days ago. 9. I just (to see) him. 10. I (to see) him in 1973.

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