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Упражнения, предваряющие чтение текста. I. Просмотрите текст, найдите и выпишите:

I. Просмотрите текст, найдите и выпишите:

1. Имена существительные с суффиксами, обозначающими исполнителя действия: -er, -or, -ist, -ian;

2. Имена существительные с суффиксами:-tion, -ment, -ship, -ty (-ity), -ence, -ing.

3. Имена прилагательные с суффиксами: -ous, -ant, -al, -ic, -ible, -ing.

4. Наречия с суффиксом:- ly.

II. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов: save – safe – safety; responsible – responsibility; violate – violator – violation; describe – descriptive – description; relate – relation – relationship; thief – thieves – theft; probable – probably – probability; frequent – infrequent – infrequently.

III. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов из контекста:

1. A great number of the accidents corroborates the fact that the drivers have consumed the alcohol.

2. The driver has deserved more serious punishment because he was driving while intoxicated and has caused a collision of two vehicles.

3. Some juveniles have stolen a vehicle, now they are wanted by the police.

4. The owner could not recognize his car as it has been dismantled into spare parts.

5. This year a great percentage of traffic accidents has been caused by the pedestrians.

IV. Заполните схему:

law enforcement, situation, quickly, accident, and, traffic, authorities, have, estimated, accurately

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V. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What have you read in the previous texts about? 2. What is the moral aspect of traffic crime prevention? 3. Who should be a special aim of public education in traffic safety? 4. In what way (how) can the Department of Motor Vehicles play a major role in preventing accidents? 5. When does a traffic officer issue a citation? 6. Drinking drivers have been responsible for half of all accidents, haven't they? 7. What system has become a method of removing bad-risk drivers from the roadway? 8. Is there a close relationship between traffic law enforcement and crime control?


In the previous texts you have read about the two very important aspects of crime prevention in general - crime prevention by effective law enforcement and crime prevention as a moral and social problem.

The moral and social aspect of traffic crime prevention is traffic safety education of drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and especially children in safe walking, riding (ехать верхом), and driving. Traffic violators should be a special aim of public education in traffic safety.

Police traffic control function is nowadays the responsibility of the Department of Motor Vehicles, the patrol police services and specialized traffic law enforcement and accident investigation squads.

The Department of Motor Vehicles can play a major role in preventing accidents by not allowing unqualified drivers to get a licence. It can refuse (отказывать) to issue licence to an individual who has failed to pass a written test, or driving-skill test, or both. Under certain conditions a driver may also have his driving privileges (licences) suspended. Not infrequently it punished such drivers and imposed stiff fines on them. Patrolmen and traffic officers spend a portion of their work shifts stopping traffic violators. The great majority of patrol and traffic officers throughout the country prefer to warn an offender than to issue a citation (повестка в суд). The officer shortly releases those drivers who have committed minor traffic offences which call for oral or written warnings. If the drivers have committed violations of the traffic code serious enough to deserve (заслуживать) a citation the officer observing the violation has to issue a citation. (A logical method of removing bad-risk drivers from the roadway is a point system (система штрафных баллов)). For each moving violation a traffic officer makes points (отмечать штрафные баллы) in the driver's record. In traffic law enforcement the police have a number of alcoholic countermeasures to control alcohol-related vehicle accidents. Evidence has clearly indicated (означать, указывать) that drinking drivers have been responsible for half of all accidents and the probability of accident increases as (1) blood alcohol concentration (ВАС) increases and (2) the driving time becomes longer between the place where the driver had consumed the alcohol and the destination (место назначения).

Police patrols identify, record and analyze alcohol-related crashes (авария, столкновение) and watch for persons driving while intoxicated (DWI) during certain hours and on specific days. Besides the traffic law enforcement often revealed a percentage (обнаруживать процент) of drivers wanted for more serious crime, (e.g. if the violating driver has flown from the scene of traffic crime), especially in case of hit-and-run or auto-thefts. As "US News and World Report" reads, one car thief has boasted (хвастать (ся)) that no American-made car is theftproof: he will have stolen most models by the end of a minute and a half. Law enforcement authorities have estimated that car thieves dismantle (разбирать) and sell for spare parts 40 per cent of the stolen cars. In other cases car thieves change identification numbers of stolen cars, obtain new ownership documents and then sell the vehicles to unsuspecting buyers. Authorities report that organized crime, attracted by high profits, has recently (недавно) grown into multistate auto-theft rings (шайка, банда). It's necessary to add that some of so-called routine stops of traffic violators have developed into armed assaults (нападение) on the police officers making the stops. Thus there is a close relationship (взаимосвязь) between traffic law enforcement and crime control.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 562 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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