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Контрольные задания. Task I. Составьте письменный рассказ по теме «моя профессия (гласная и негласная работа)», используя материал Unit 15

Task I. Составьте письменный рассказ по теме «Моя профессия (гласная и негласная работа)», используя материал Unit 15.


1. I study at the...* Law Institute / Academy. I am going to be an operative* of the Criminal Investigation Department. Crime prevention is the main aim of my future work. Then the detective activity of operatives is also necessary for the solution of many serious cases. At the crime scene I am responsible for all detection. I must take immediate measures to detect the criminal. I must identify, locate and apprehend the criminal. I know that quick and accurate solution of the crime depends on my education, practical skills and detective ability. That's why I do my best here at the Institute / Academy.

2. I am going to be a field-criminalist. It means that I should know Criminalistics very well. I know that quick and accurate solution of crime depends on my education and practical skills. Together with the investigator I should find, collect and protect evidence at the crime scene (fingerprints, footprints, and other traces of the criminal act). I should do that by means of crime techniques. I should take pictures of the objects of the crime scene, make diagrams and sketches. Sometimes I can use a crime laboratory to make an examination (провести экспертизу) of some evidence. All that helps the operative to reconstruct the happening and to detect and arrest the criminal.

3. I am a future law enforcement professional. I am a future detective. In English there are some more terms for my occupation, such as a plain-clothes man, a sleuth, a CID man. My main task is to ferret out criminal plans and frustrate them, that is to prevent crime. But if the crime has been committed, I should use all special means, methods and forms of operative work for quick and accurate crime solution, detection and apprehension of a criminal. I must confess that in my work I use confidential information of the informants whom I choose and cultivate. I am sure that undercover methods are О. К. as far as they concern quick and accurate crime solution and crime prevention.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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