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Новые слова: credo ['kri:dou] – кредо, убеждение; corporation – зд. акционерное общество; embezzlement – растрата, хищение.

A year ago I entered the... * Law Institute/Academy of the Interior Ministry. The Russian Internal Affairs bodies compose several departments.

The Criminal Detection Department is to detect the criminal, that is to locate and arrest him (her).

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) collects evidence to prove the guilt or innocence of a suspect.

The Economic Crimes Investigation Department reveals the economic offences.

The mission of the State Inspection of Road Traffic Safety is to regulate safety on the roads.

The Juvenile Inspection is responsible for prevention of juvenile delinquency.

Our Institute/Academy trains future militia officers. I am going to be an operative worker of the Criminal Detection Department or perhaps an operative of the Economic Crimes Investigation Department. Some of my fellow-students are going to be investigators of the Criminal Investigation Department. You may also work as a traffic inspector at the State Inspection of Road Traffic Safety or a juvenile inspector at the Juvenile Inspection.

Thusour task as future law enforcement professionals is to fight against criminality, that is to prevent and solve crimes. Nowadays we are to cope with criminalization of our economy and globalizing crime. Crime prevention and crime deterrence is the main aim of our detective activity. It is also of great importance for the increase of crime solution rate.

Suppose I am an operative of the Criminal Investigation Department. As soon as we get the information of the crime committed we go out to the crime scene. Our operative group consists of an investigator, an operative, a divisional inspector, a field-criminalist, a bobby-handler and a medical expert. Each of us has his own duties at the crime scene. At the same time our credo is to work in close cooperation to solve the crime quickly and accurately. Teamwork is essential to a crime scene search.

The search commander (usually the investigator or the operative) directs primary crime scene investigation and detection or completes preliminary crime scene investigation actions performed by the patrol officer.

The investigator (together with the field-criminalist) finds, collects and protects evidence - fingerprints, footprints, and other traces of the criminal act by means of a crime technique. They take pictures of the objects of the crime scene; make diagrams and sketches, etc.

Basing on all the data gathered the search commander analyzes the situation and tries to reconstruct the happening as to: Where, What, When, How, Why and Who.

Crime scene investigation is ended by making a record.

The operative is responsible for all detection required for quick and accurate solution of the case. In his overt work at the crime scene the operative finds, interviews and interrogates witnesses, eye-witnesses, a victim and a suspect. It's necessary to do that to analyze the happening and to take immediate measures to detect the criminal, that is to identify, locate and apprehend him. The operative also takes measures for search, discovery and seizure of stolen property and instruments of the crime.

The divisional inspector ensures crime scene protection, helps the operative (to) find witnesses and eye-witnesses and (to) apprehend a suspect.

The medical expert gives first aid to a victim or conducts an external examination of the corpse.

Sometimes I have to combine the duties of different specialists of an operative group and conduct the primary investigation and detection by myself - in case I am the first to come to a crime scene.

If all the facts gathered during the primary crime scene investigation show corpus delicti, we bring the criminal action and conduct follow-up or further investigation.

Quick and accurate solution of the crime depends on the education, practical skills and detective ability of an operative.

We can get all that at our Institute/Academy. We listen to a special course of Crime Detection, Law, Criminalistics, Crime Psychology, etc., we have seminars and practice in law enforcement and other social–service agencies.

The work of the operative of the ECID is also very interesting and noble. In the era of criminalization of economy mafia groups of organized crime try to make profit of the state and municipal property or the property of any corporations. The operatives of the ECID deal with embezzlement of state property, bribe-taking and corruption among the officials of different social ranks, sham bankruptcy, bank fraud and financial pyramids. The task of an operative of the ECID is to reveal the criminal activity of such groups, neutralize them and bring their criminal bosses to justice.

Combatting crime, decreasing it we must not forget one of the priorities in a law-governed state - strict observance of legality and protection of rights and interests of citizens.

Well, you see that our work is difficult and dangerous, but it is necessary and honorable at the same time because we should ensure the public's security and trust, in other words - protect life, work and rest of our people now under the conditions of globalization of crime.

Ex. 3. Составьте краткий рассказ о гласной работе сыщика.

Ex. 4.

A. Прочтите текст, разделите его на две части и озаглавьте их.

B. Переведите текст.

Text B

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 660 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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