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WHILE-LISTENING. Listen the whole track without video

Listen the whole track without video.

4. What is the idea of the whole text?

Listen and watch the parts of the video and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:39

5. What is the speaker’s name?

6. What are the elements of RSI-preventing helpers?

00:40 – 00:50

7. What is “break-timing”?

00:51 – 01:05

8. What is a “short-cut”?

01:06 – 01:15

9. What is “data-looking”?

01:16 – 01:29

10. What is a “forget-me-not”

01:30 - end

11. What is a “graph”?

12. How can we better understand the limits at our work?

Listen and watch the video and fill in the gaps in the following text:

13. Fill in the gaps in the following text:

00:00 – 00:22

Hello, I’m Ameline (1) __________. In the context of (2) _________ the expression “work management” is used to encompass the whole range of (3) _________, including (4) _________ posture, (5) _________ rates and rest rates, and … … - the monitoring and (6) _________ of this.

00:23 – 00:50

The Goldtouch RSI-guard is a … of (7) __________ - timing prompts and video-styled (8) _________ which for the user can become his or her own work management expert.

RSI-guard contains a number of (9) __________, all of which are fully customizable … by the user or (10) __________ wide. This include intelligent break-timing to remind you when to take breaks and for how long. If you are in a hurry you can of course skip them but it all begins soon.

00:51 – 01:35

“Short–cuts” – allow you to avoid unnecessary mouse (11) __________, for instance, I can use any (12) _________, say, my function keys instead of the mouse (13) __________ – just to get the change of (14) __________ or even to alter a click ….

“Data–looking” – automatically matches your (15) __________ use and behaviour and suggests ways to work more efficiently ….

“Forget-me-nots” and your own “go-hints” are customizable mini-breaks and suggestions for stretching exercises. This task-level (16) _________ training has been (17) __________ to ensure you get a good workout while still sitting at your desk.

“Dynamic work restrictions” can be used to ensure the safe working practices over a day or (18) __________.

01:36 – 01:46

And because of all your mousing (and keyboarding) is locked in graphs, you can begin better (19) __________your own (20) __________ at your work and manage your own computer work float to (21) __________future (22) __________.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 612 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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