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18. Compare safety equipment of these three professions. Which pieces of safety equipment are used by each of these workers and which are special? Is there any piece of equipment that wasn’t mentioned, but you think it is important for the particular job? Why?



Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1. What safety equipment does the caver have?

2. What other pieces of safety equipment may a caver need?)

Watch the video again and fill in the gaps in the text:

  Before you go in a cave, don’t go alone, and don’t go without any guide. It’s very – very (1) __________. It’s very (2) __________. It’s very important to (3) __________the caves with a (4) __________ guide who knows the cave very well. If you go in a cave, first you have to take notes where you are going, who with, and the other thing to be (5) __________ and fit - someone should know that you are in a cave, and you have to predict (6) _________ when you come back; may be (7) __________ hours later, because if you don’t come back in (8) __________ hours the rescue team can come and rescue you. You can take (9) __________. But sometimes if you find water in a (10) __________ you are lucky, because it is ……… drinkable. But it’s also good to bring some water, because on your way ………… you can loose some water from your…, some humidity from your (11) __________. And it’s (12) __________, because in a wet cave you can’t feel like you are thirsty, but you have to (13) __________ every (14) __________ or (15) __________ hours.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 594 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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