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WHILE-LISTENING. Listen to the whole track without video

Listen to the whole track without video.

2. What title can be given to the track?

Listen to the parts of the track without video and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:12

3. What is another word for “movement” used in the track?

00:13 – 00:24

4. Why are the words “hour, day, week” mentioned?

00:25 – 00:49

5. What does a ‘reason answer” to the RSI problem mean? How is it called?

6. What does “the Goldtouch solution” consist of?

Listen and watch the video again to check the answers.

7. Fill in the gaps in the following text:

00:00 – 00:25

RSI – repetitive (1) __________ injury, (2) __________ resulting from the (3) __________ actions we all make when using IT (4) __________.

Always it is caused by (5) __________ and keyboard on a (6) __________. Just picture yourself - crashed over the (7) __________, thumping those (8) __________, clicking the mouse, repeating the same (9) __________ hour after hour, day after day, week after week.


00:26 – 00:56

What can you as an individual or as an (10) __________ do to safeguard yourself and your staff against from (11) __________?

Well, reason answer … is (12) __________ and (13) ___________. It’s called the Goldtouch (14) ___________ and consists of the Goldtouch (15) __________ and the … of software called the RSI-guard which together help (16) __________ your own work activity.

I’ve been working with users with disabilities, so finding a successful (17) __________ solutions for long for over (18) __________ years.

I’ve found that the (19) __________ is to recognize each person’s computing needs a (20) __________ individual.

01:01 - end

The Goldtouch (21) __________is an (22) __________combination of (23) __________ of a work management that can be (24) _________ customized by each user.

For you that means much in your work … with your (25) _________ needs and, when you use it properly, (26) _________ … _________ of a computer related (27) __________.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 592 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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