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Safety engineering

Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the following words:

problems science safe expensive design discovers system

Safety engineering is an applied (1) __________ strongly related to engineering systems and the System Safety Engineering.

Safety-engineers take an early (2) __________ of a system, analyse it to find what faults can occur, and then propose safety requirements in design specifications and changes to existing systems to make the (3) __________ safer. In other words, safety engineers need to prove that an existing, completed design is (4) __________. Their main function is to prevent any safety (5) __________ beforehand, at the stage of design. If a safety engineer (6) __________ significant safety problems after the design process is completed, it can be very (7) __________ to correct them.

spacecraft unite software known complex organizations control

Some large government agencies (8) __________ and form a system. This is (9) __________ as System Safety. The System Safety philosophy, supported by the System Safety Society and many other (10) __________, is to be applied to complex systems, such as commercial airliners, military aircraft, complex weapon systems, space and (11) _____________ systems, rail and transportation systems, air traffic control system and more (12) __________ and safety-critical industrial systems. Nowadays, (13) __________ safety is a fast growing field since modern systems functionality is under (14) __________ of software.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 935 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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