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1. Have a quick look at the signs below. Do they “warn” or “forbid”?


2. Match the following key-word expressions to the signs (1-15) from ex 1:

pour water smoke use lift eat use broken tools walk use mobiles people with heart problems wear metal things drink water touch take animals people with implants use electrical equipment touch (press)

3. What do these signs (1–15) from ex.1 mean? Make up a comment to each sign using the negative form of “the Imperative” as it is shown in the example (1):

  Don’t smoke hear!
  Don’t let …
  Don’t let …

4. Now re-write the same sentences as it is shown below. There are some examples for you:

  No smoking!
  No animals!
  No people with heart problems!

5. Now have a quick look at the signs below. Do they “warn” or “forbid”?


6. Match the following key-word expressions to the signs (1-16) from ex. 5:

cold/coldness toxic materials slippery surface flammable materials radioactivity automatic switching on explosive materials danger corrosive materials a train biological danger welding high voltage a car hot surface fallen objects

7. What do the signs (1-16) from ex. 5 mean? Make up a comment on each sign using the example:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 816 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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