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If it was difficult to you, match the following expressions to the situations

Speak about alloys or implants, Improve your knowledge, Do it in a methodical way, Put on sunglasses, Use technical drawing equipment, Show it’s advantages, Interview all the candidates, Check the cable, Take plastic or aluminium, Compress it first, Design a new model, Improve your English, Use a computer, Mix water and cement.

Now try to think about similar answers of your own.

10. Do a crossword. What is hidden on the vertical highlighted line?

1. You can see these things (or objects) while driving along the road. All the drivers must know what these things (or objects) mean.
2. A piece of clothing that you put on your head to protect it from wind, cold, etc.
3. "Beware of noise! Put on your ear-…………..", said the instructor to the group of young apprentices.
4. These things can be made of leather, wool, rubber. Everybody use them, especially in winter.
5. "If you want to ………….. yourself, don't forget to put on a hard hat and gloves".
6. …………. equipment is very important if you are a welder.
7. Don't put the iron near the window - the curtains are ……………………..
8. - What shape is this?  
9. Some chemicals are very …………………, so put on safety gloves on your hands.
10. Be careful with gas – it is very …………………..
11. Detailed information on how to do something.


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