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Complete the definitions (1-8) below with the highlighted words in the text

1. An __________ is something medical that is put inside the body, for example - a heart valve.
2. You need a good __________ to think of new and interesting ideas.
3. The ‘__________’ means the first or earliest.
4. __________ are materials made from mixing two metals.
5. To ‘__________’means to become bigger.
6. To ‘__________’ means to change because something else happens.
7. The __________ is everything around a person or thing.
8. To ‘__________’ means to make smaller.

(“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 6, pg.7, ex.4)

6. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. How many types of smart materials are there?

2. Which type appeared first?

3. Why are metal alloys expensive?

4. Why do these materials change their shape?

5. What does medicine use these materials for?

6. What are the spheres these materials widely used in?

7. Why are these materials called “smart”?

7. Match the following words:

implant imagination body alloys mixture shape materials(x2) inside uses
  patient’s       metal  
  shape memory       possible  
  put       original  
  expensive       medical  
  human       smart  

8. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with a suitable word:

1. Brass is an ______________ of copper and zinc.

2. Brass doesn’t _____________ to water.

3. Smart materials can return to their ________________ shape.

4. Metals ______________ when they are heated.

5. ____________________ is the ability to create pictures in your mind.

6. Smart materials are called so, because they react to changes in their ________________.

7. Medical ______________ is usually _______________ and put inside the patient’s body.

8. Bricks are hold together with the help of a __________________ of cement and water.

9. Smart materials have good shape ________________.

10. “Smart materials” is the human _________________ of the twentieth century.

Check the knowledge of active vocabulary from this part with the help of “ACTIVE VOCABULARY” section.

Part II

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1918 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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