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Exercise 23. Follow the direction for Exercise 22

1. At the top of the stairs she paused to wave to him. (Douglas) 2. Marcellus accepted this information without betraying his amazement. (Douglas) 3. Having knocked on his door, she firmly entered Grandpa's room. (Cronin) 4. After waiting for a few minutes, he marched up the steps, closely followed by Demetrius. (Douglas) 5. Why do you always look at things with such dreadfully practical eyes? (London) 6. David appeared in the open door, one hand clutching a sheaf of bills, under his other arm an account book. (Stone) 7. That night I could scarcely sleep for thinking of it. (Cronin) 8. She did feel silly holding Moon's hand like that. (Mansfield) 9. Then Gallio cleared his throat, and faced his son with troubled eyes. (Douglas) 10. We have some exceptionally fine roses this year. (Douglas) 11. Jonathan shook his head slowly, without looking up, his tongue bulging his cheek. (Douglas) 12. But it was of no use. Marcellus' melancholy was too heavy to be lifted. (Douglas) 13. She [Sally] never would have been able to make a success of the dining-room but for the kindness and assistance of the men. (Prichard) 14. On being informed of the old man's flight, his fury was unbounded. (Dickens) 15. To be a complete artist it is not enough to be a painter, sculptor or architect. (Stone) 16. Sally was furious with herself for having fainted. (Prichard) 17. With all her faults, she was candor herself. (Hardy) 18. The receiving overseer, Roger Kendall, though thin and clerical, was a rather capable man. (Dreiser)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 738 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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