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Exercise 28. Point out homogeneous parts, define them and say by what they are expressed

1. He had lived with this block for several months now, studied it in every light, from every angle, in every degree of heat and cold. (Stone) 2. He felt discouraged, strangely empty. (Cronin) 3. There were tangerines and apples stained with strawberry pink. (Mansfield) 4. He came in slowly, hesitated, took up a toothpick from a dish on the top of the piano, and went out again. (Mansfield) 5. But I was exceedingly nice, a trifle diffident, appropriately reverential. (Mansfield) 6. From the edge of the sea came a ripple and whisper. (Wells) 7. They went side by side, hand in hand, silently toward the hedge. (Galsworthy) 8. The light oiltside had chilled, and threw a chalky whiteness on the river. (Galsworthy) 9. Thousands of sheets must be printed, dried, cut. (Heym) 10. Opening the drawer he took from the sachet a handkerchief and the framed photograph of Fleur. (Galsworthy) II. The Captain was mostly concerned about himself, his own comfort, his own safety. (Heym) 12. Her mother was speaking in her low, pleasing, slightly metallic voice. (Galsvuorthy) 13. And suddenly she burst into tears of disappointment, shame and overstrain. (Galsworthy) 14. She extended a slender hand and smiled pleasantly and naturally. (Wales) 15. Then, without a word of warning, without the shadow of a provocation, he bit that poodle's near foreleg. (Jerome /C- Jerome) 16. It could be smashed by violence but never forced to fulfil. (Stone) 17. Never before had the friar had such power and never had his voice rung out with such a clap of doom. (Stone)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 807 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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