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Exercise 12. Translate into English, using a compound nominal predicate

1. Музыка звучала чудесно. 2. Этот цветок хорошо пахнет. 3. Ваши слова звучат странно. 4. Этот огурец горький на вкус. 5. Бифштекс хорошо пахнет. 6. Эта материя груба на ощупь. 7. Вода в этой местности плоха на вкус. 8. Эта нота звучит резко. 9. Я чувствую себя плохо. 10. Она выглядит хорошо. 11. Она чувствует себя хорошо. 12. Она только кажется хорошей. 13. Пирожное хорошее на вид. 14. Свисток прозвучал пронзительно. 15. Эти розы пахнут упоительно.

Exercise 13. Point out the predicate and say to what type it belongs. Translate into Russian.

1. "It's no use," she said quietly. "I am bound to Morris." (Prichard) 2. Her feet were never bound as the Chinese then bound the feet of their girls. (Buck) 3. "I don't want to tell you," said Galahad. "But you are bound to have it." (Erskine) 4. "You are not bound to answer that question," he said to Rachel. (Collins) 5. One of them was later sent to board in a missionary school and she was compelled to lose the foot bandages. (Buck) 6. When she was sixteen she was a beauty. As the result she was compelled to go to the Emperor's palace. (Buck) 7. I was compelled to idleness. I had to listen to her long monologues on the Japanese. (Buck) 8. My mother was plainly fading. I was increasingly anxious about her. (Buck) 9. We were anxious to cooperate. 10. My father gave it to my mother. It is the only possession I was able to save. (Douglas)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1512 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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