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VOCABULARY. exploitative эксплуататорский selfishness эгоизм proponent сторонник decadence упадок remnants пережитки

exploitative эксплуататорский selfishness эгоизм
proponent сторонник decadence упадок
remnants пережитки backwardness отсталость
infiltrate проникать legacy наследство
foreign-inspired sabotage диверсия по подстрекательству из-за границы cite ссылаться
reform исправляться confuse смешивать
lingering затяжной notion понятие
bourgeois буржуазный ultimately в конце концов
prize высоко ценить eliminate уничтожать
profit-seeking погоня за наживой thought продуманный
cunning хитрость, коварство    

1) What the system of political thinking invented by Karl Marx is? 2) What Marxism does explain? 3) What is as a product of class society in accordance with Marxist theories viewed? 4) What systems are upon the institution of private property founded? 5) Is the socialist system by its proponents as incapable of producing crime considered? 6) What specific sources of criminal activity in accordance with Marxist theories are? 7) What also cited as a cause of crime in China was?

► Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Capitalism is a system of political beliefs and principles whose main aims are that everyone should have an equal opportunity to share wealth and that industries should be owned by the government. 2) Communism is a political system in which the government controls the production of all food and goods, and which has no different social classes. 3) Socialism is a system of production and trade based on property and wealth being owned privately, with only a small amount of industrial activity by the government. 4) Sabotage means to make someone have a particular feeling or react in a particular way. 5) To inspire is damage that has been done deliberately to equipment, vehicles etc. in order to prevent an enemy or opponent from using them. 6) Hooligan is a member of a violent group of criminals. 7) Gangster is a noisy violent person who causes trouble by fighting etc. 8) Someone who is selfish is good at deceiving people in order to get what they want. 9) Someone who is cunning is caring only about himself and not about other people. 10) Decadence is the state of having low moral standards and being more concerned with pleasure than with serious matters.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Marxism the system of political thinking invented by Karl Marx is. 2) Marxism changes in history as the result of a struggle between social classes explains. 3) Crime as a product of class society is viewed. 4) Crime as a product of private property is viewed. 5) Socialist system as incapable of producing crime is considered. 6) External enemies the country with spies infiltrate. 7) Remnants produce of the overthrown reactionary classes sabotage. 8) Remains refuse of the old society to reform. 9) Bourgeois ideology profit-seeking and selfishness prizes. 10) Bourgeois encourages ideology crime. 11) The poverty and cultural backwardness seen as the legacy of the old society is. 12) Crime ultimately to be eliminated by education is.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Погоня за наживой; эксплуататорские системы; частная собственность; эксплуататорский; сторонник; пережитки свергнутых реакционных классов; проникать в страну; диверсия по подстрекательству из-за границы; исправляться; затяжной; буржуазная идеология; высоко ценить; погоня за наживой; коварство; эгоизм; упадок; отсталость; наследство; ссылаться; смешивать понятия справедливости и несправедливости; в конце концов; уничтожать преступность; продуманная реформа.

Ex. У. Complete the following statements.

1) Crime is viewed as... 2) Exploitative systems are founded upon... 3) Socialist system is considered as... 4) External enemies infiltrate... 5) Gangsters and hooligans refuse... 6) Bourgeois ideology prizes... and encourages... 7) Poverty is seen as... 8) Crime is ultimately...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about

a) crime and its Marxist interpretation;

b) the first specific source of criminal activity;

c) the second specific source of criminal activity;

d) the third specific source of criminal activity;

e) the fourth specific source of criminal activity.

Retell the text “Marxist theories”.

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