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VOCABULARY. sociology социология attachment привязанность sociological социологический commitment обязательство

sociology социология attachment привязанность
sociological социологический commitment обязательство
sociologist социолог orthodox общепринятый
differential отличительный labelling снабжение продукта этикеткой; маркировка
association связь assume предполагать
learn научиться criminal justice уголовное судопроизводство
expose подвергать acquire приобретать
adopt перенимать criminal identity личность преступника
attain достигнуть rejection непринятие
acceptable приемлемый delinquent правонарушитель
psychological психологический socialize подготавливать к жизни в
futility тщетность estrange отдалять
striving старания; стремления eventually в конце концов
bond связь, узы cast бросать
resist противостоять anomalous неправильный, аномальный, ненормальный
inclination склонность insanity умопомешательство

1) Who a variety of theories that explain criminal behaviour proposed? 2) What theory that criminal proposed behaviour is learned behaviour? 3) What this theory does mean? 4) What theory that criminality is a result of the offender's inability to attain by socially acceptable means the goals that society expects of him suggested? 5) What a condition of instability might result from? 6) What when a social system is in a state of anomie happens? 7) What such a society produce in many of its members might? 8) Why is considered striving useless? 9) What theory the links between the offender and his social group emphasizes? 10) What this does theory run about? 11) What theory criminality as a product of the reaction of society to the portrays individual? 12) What this theory assume does? 13) Through what process the offender does become more socialized into criminal behaviour? 14) Who cast by society into the role of a is criminal?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Biology is the scientific study of societies and the behaviour of people. 2) Amateurs have proposed a lot of theories that explain criminal behaviour. 3) Differential association theory proposes nothing new. 4) The more the individual is exposed to contact with persons whose own behaviour is unlawful, the less likely he is to learn and adopt their values as the basis for his own behaviour. 5) The theory of anomie speaks of the offender's inability to attain his goals. 6) Common values and common meanings are no longer understood or accepted by the offender. 7) A sense of failure, lack of balance, and emotional insanity characterize anomalous society. 8) Striving is considered useful, because it is clear what is desirable.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Control theory the links between the offender and his social group emphasizes. 2) The ability depends of the individual to resist the inclination to commit crime on the strength of his attachment to parents and his commitment to orthodox moral values. 3) To commit crime be an easy way to satisfy a particular desire may. 4) Labeling theory criminality as a product of the reaction of society to the individual portrays. 5) Law-abiding persons the offender reject. 6) Other delinquents the offender accept. 7) The offender socialized into criminal behaviour patterns becomes. 8) The offender estranged from law-abiding behaviour becomes. 9) The offender to see himself cast by society into the role of a criminal comes.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Неуравновешенность; эмоциональное расстройство; сознание неудачи; социология; социологический; социолог; отличительный; связь; подвергать; перенимать; достигнуть; психологический; тщетность; стремления; противостоять; склонность; привязанность; обязательство; общепринятый; предполагать; уголовное судопроизводство; приобретать; личность преступника; непринятие; правонарушитель; отдалять; аномальный; умопомешательство; подготавливать к жизни в; приемлемый.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Sociology is... 2) Sociologists have proposed... 3) Differential association theory proposes... 4) The more the individual is exposed to... 5) The theory of anomie suggests... 6) Anomy in societies is... 7) Anomy in individuals is... 8) When a social system is in a state of anomie... common values and common meanings are no longer understood or accepted. 9) Anomalous society produces... 10) Striving is considered... 11) Control theory emphasizes... 12) The ability of the individual to resist the inclination to commit crime depends on... 13) To commit crime may be... 14) Labeling theory portrays... 15) Labeling theory assumes... 16) Law-abiding persons reject... 17) Other delinquents accept... 18) The offender becomes socialized into... 19) The offender becomes estranged from... 20) The offender comes to see himself...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about

a) differential association theory;

b) anomie theory;

c) control theory;

d) labeling theory.

Retell the text “Sociological theories”.

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