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Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст

E-mail, instant messaging, and most web traffic go across the Internet in the clear; it means that anyone who can capture that information can read it. This is the most necessary information you ought to know. You should always select and use strong passwords and apply due care when reading all e-mail, especially its uninvited variety. These are things you ought to do. Finally, you can use a firewall, an anti-virus program, patches, and file encryption to improve the level of security on your home computer, and we'll call these things you ought to install.

What You Ought To Know.

Knowledge is power — Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est — Francis Bacon (1561-1626). For solving home computer security problems the starting point is your awareness of how the Internet and some of its technologies work. If you know how they work, you can evaluate solutions to the coming problems.

You can also use the Internet more safely and responsibly. Here, we'll mention about trust.

Human beings are trusting by nature. We trust very much in what we hear on the radio, see on television, and read in the newspaper. We trust in the information on the labels on packages. We trust the mail we receive. We trust our parents, our partner or spouse, and our children. We trust our co-workers. In fact, those who don't trust much are thought to be cynical. Their opinions may be all too quickly ignored or dismissed.

The Internet was built on trust. Back in the mid 1960s, computers were very expensive and slow by today's standards, but still quite useful. To share the expensive and sparse computers installed around the country, the U.S. government funded a research project to connect these computers together so that other researchers could use them remotely. This project was called the ARPAnet, named after the government research agency — ARPA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency — that funded managed the project.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1220 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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