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Task 1. Read and translate the text:

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The computer was developed around 1950 with the first commercial model being introduced in 1951. It came as a tool that had the effect of multiplying the power of man's mind. The computer proved as significant for the mental activity as the Lever and the Wheel have been for the physical activity. The computer as already stated is a tool for extending the power of man's mind but with some limitations. Till today, the computer has not extended all aspects of power of man's mind but only some aspects. The areas where the computer finds itself helpless are the ones involving creative thoughts and the development of original ideas. These areas, which at present do not lie within the purview of the computer use, do lie within the domain of human brain.

Not only this, the mode in which the computer has to perform and the sequence in which the data is to be processed to solve a particular problem are the things that are decided by human brain. A computer is always fed with a set of instructions (called a program) for every problem solved on the computer. In simple words, the computer does what it is asked to do. It will be possible to solve a very difficult problem on a computer in a split second only if we have a suitable program available to do that and, of course, provided the execution of program, instructions lies within the capability of the computer.

Another obvious difference between human and machine intelligence is that human intelligence is very flexible but not tireless. Human brain gets tired very soon and makes mistakes. Also, the I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) differs from person to person and deteriorates with ageing. Computers act relatively whereas human mind acts absolutely; while human mind adjudges, computer compares. In addition, human mind (and to some extent animal's mind) is able to respond to a variety of situations and entities. Let us take an example of a postman engaged in sorting out the mail. An average postman with a very poor I.Q. will be able to read the postal code, detect the postal mistake of incorrect stamping, and decide whether the address is correct or incorrect, whether post card is oversized and whether address is written at correct place and in correct style or not etc. without much efforts. If the same job is done with the present day computer designed for mail sorting, it will not be able to handle all these variations with a simple program. A program that would take into account all the reasonable variations instantly recognizable by the average human being would be long and complicated.

With time these aspects — the ones which are not within the purview of the computer use — too may come within the computer domain. A group of people thinks that when the science is perfected, the computers will be able to develop artificial intelligence of that level as to replace human brain but most of the current scientists believe that it is a fantasy of science-fiction only. However let me hope that humanity is able, to achieve this target which seems at present as impossible as to achieve immortality. Nevertheless, computers have greatly relieved the burden over individual’s memory and are a versatile gadget, which alone will be credited to bring out at least half the sophistication in human civilization. The computers combined with laser technology are bound to bring thousands of miracles which will convert most of the fictions and fantasies of sciences into reality.

Task 2. Answer the following questions:

Задание 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the main differences between human brain and the computer?

2. Why does the computer work faster than human brain?

3. Why is it very difficult to make the computer respond to a variety of situations?

4. How greatly in your opinion will computers change in the next 15-20 years?

Task 3. Find the English equivalents for the words and word - combinations given below:

Задание 3. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов в тексте:

обрабатывать данные, решать задачи, обеспечивать, делать ошибки, гибкий, выполнение программы, принимать во внимание, достигать цель.

Task 4. Use the right prepositions and fill in the blanks:

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. The areas … creative thoughts and the development … original ideas do not lie … the purview of the computer use; they do lie within the domain … human brain.

2. The computers will be able to convert most … the fictions and fantasies of sciences … reality.

3. The I.Q. differs … person … person and deteriorates … ageing.

4. A computer is always fed … a set of instructions (called a program) for every problem solved … the computer.

5. Human mind is able to respond … to a variety … situations.

Task 4. Translate the following sentences into English:

Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:

1. Компьютер способен запоминать, обрабатывать и хранить информацию.

2. При наличии подходящей программы компьютер может решить самую сложную задачу в доли секунд.

3. Компьютер – это мощное устройство, способное превратить наши мечты в реальность.

4. Компьютер – это искусственный разум, способный заменить человека в скучных, рутинных делах.

5. Все достижения компьютера ограничены разумом человека.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1080 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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