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Task 4. Say whether the statements given below are true or false

Задание 4. Определите истинность или ложность следующих предложений:

1. You should always select and use strong passwords.

2. Apply due care when reading all e-mail, especially its uninvited variety.

3. You can use a firewall, an anti-virus program, patches, and file encryption to improve the level of security on your home computer.

4. Human beings are unbelieving by nature.

5. We don't trust very much in what we hear on the radio, see on television, and read in the newspaper.

6. We never trust in the information on the labels on packages.

7. Check your home for viruses from time to time and cut out the infected files.

Task 5. Complete the sentences:

Задание 5. Закончите предложения:

1. You should always select and use....

2.... to improve the level of security on your home computer.

3. For solving home computer security problems the starting point is....

4. If... you can evaluate solutions to the coming: problems.

5. We trust very much in what we....

6. Those who don't trust much....

7. Don't forget to... if necessary.

Task 6. Translate from Russian into English:

Задание 6. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

1. Хотя вы и доверчивы, необходимо быть осторожным.

2. Установите программу Брандмауэра, программы, проверяющие вирусы, и антивирусные программы.

3. Регулярно проверяйте ваш компьютер и «лечите» зараженные файлы.

4. Не забывайте обновлять антивирусную защиту или заменять ее на более современную и эффективную, если это необходимо.

5. Доверяйте, но будьте осторожны.

6. Теперь, когда вы предупреждены, вы вооружены.

Task 7. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

Задание 7. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. This is the most necessary information you ought to know.

2. You should always apply due care when reading all e-mail, especially its uninvited variety.

3. If you know how they work, you can evaluate solutions to the coming problems.

4. Human beings are trusting by nature.

5. In fact, those who don't trust much are thought to be cynical.

6. Don't forget to update your anti-virus program or change it for the most modern and effective one if necessary.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 993 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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