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On Education

Mr Smith was worried. His little Bobbie was already six years old and it was time for the family to decide his career. It was difficult, however, to choose a suitable school for little Bobbie Smith. The boy was such a bright little chap. At last Mr Smith made up his mind to drop in* on Mr Brainer, his neighbour, and ask him for advice. Everybody in the neighbourhood believed Mr Brainer to be a very clever old gentleman.

"It's a serious question," Mr Brainer said, "and it seems to worry people more than it used to. Nowadays they start talking about the education of the child before they choose the name. It's like this: 'This kid talks in his sleep. He'll make a fine lawyer.' Or, 'Look at him fishing up in Uncle Tom's watch pocket. We must train him for a banker.' Or, 'I'm afraid he'll never be strong enough to work. He must go into the church.'

"To my mind, Smith, we are wasting too much time, thinking of the future of our young, and trying to teach them... what they ought not to know** till they are grown-up. We send the children to school as if it was a summer garden*** where they got to be amused instead of a reformatory**** where they are sent to be reformed. When I was a kid I was put at my ABC the first day I set foot in the school; and my head was sore inside and out***** before I went home. Nowadays things seem to be quite different. Now the first thing we teach the future businessmen and politicians of our nation is waltzing, singing and cutting pictures out of a book. In my opinion it would be much better to teach them toughness******, that's what they need in life."


* to drop in on – to go to a person's house for a short visit

** what they ought not to know – чего они не должны знать

*** a summer garden – sort of kindergarten

**** a reformatory – исправительное заведение для малолетних преступников

***** my head was sore inside and out – у меня просто разламывалась голова

****** toughness – жесткость; упорство

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1878 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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