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B. Pair Work

1. You want to quit school and start work, but your parents feel it is important to finish high school. Talk to them.

2. Your child has very good grades and wants to go to college. You feel that you cannot afford to send him/her. Tell your child this.

3. You want to stay in the US/Great Britain and study but your family wants you to return. Call them and ask them to permit you to stay.

4. Describe some of the teachers at this school to a student who is just beginning the programme.

5. Ask your partner what qualities he/she (dis)likes in a teacher.

6. Discuss with your partner how important you think a college education is nowadays.

7. You are at interview. You want to get into a very prestigious school. Explain to the Dean of Admissions why you think you should be accepted.

8. Ask your friend which he thinks is more practical – dropping out of school and getting a job or continuing at school and having very little money.

9. Ask the school receptionist for some information and a school entrance application.

10. Tell your teacher that you want to apply to a university in Great Britain/the USA and ask if he/she would write you a recommendation.

11. Even though your grades are not very good, you think you want to go to university. Talk to your school counsellor about the possibilities open to you.

12. You just took a very difficult exam. You feel the exam was unfair because there were several things on it that your class had not studied. Complain to the teacher.

13. Exchange opinions with your partners on the problems:

there should be no tests in school; children get a better education outside the classroom; parents should be stricter with their children.

14. Your student is constantly late and has been absentforseveral tests. Ask him/her to come into your office. Tell him/her to "shape up."

15. Imagine, your partner is a student at a London school. Interview him/her about a typical school day.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 450 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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