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1. International Higher School (IHS) is the latest addition to the list of abbreviations of Russian universities and colleges. The study at IHS is connected with cooperation with foreign schools of higher learning. This partnership does not take the form of probation. A student of one of the ten IHS departments studies at once at two departments, doing some terms at home and others at similar departments abroad, and receives a diploma of an international standard.
2. IHS operates on a contract basis. Contracts are signed both with teachers and students. IHS guarantees its students maintenance grants, accommodation and the possibility to work after classes. Though the work is not very complicated (record-keeping and business correspondence, for instance) it provides an additional earning and more practice in the foreign language.
3. After a colloquium a student’s curator proposes, depending on what the student knows, an individual plan of studies and a schedule of its fulfillment. A compulsory subject is English (for foreigners - Russian) and another foreign language, for instance, Flemish, if Belgium is a partner country according to the student’s plan. Not only a secondary school leavers can enroll at IHS but also people with a higher school diploma who require not five or six but only two years to graduate from IHS. Not only Muscovites and students from partner countries can study at IHS departments (law, history, political science, management, music, the arts, linguistics, economics and ecology), but also young people from Russian provinces and CIS countries. The two demands common for all are, first, no politics and, second, no clarification of national relations. The school trains only professionals.
4. IHS is one of the first non-state schools of higher learning in Russia. So far they have no experience and the attitude to them differs. Some people do not accept private higher schools with tuition paid for regarding them as far removed from democracy. Others welcome non-state higher schools precisely for their democratism, since it is not the selection committee but the entrant himself that decides where to study and who will teach him. One thing that is for sure is that there has appeared an alternative to state higher school.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 462 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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