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I. По суффиксу определите, какому из английских слов соответствует предъявленное русское слово

1. специальность a) specialization b) speciality c) specially
2. отличительный a) distinctly b) distinction c) distinctive
3. педагог a) educator b) education c) educational
4. наглядный a) demonstration b) demonstrator c) demonstrative
5. независимо a) independent b) independently c) independence

II. Из данных предложений выпишите те, действие которых происходит в настоящем времени, и переведите их.

6. First-year students study humanities and social subjects.

7. The first two years will include courses in history, literature and languages.

8. He wanted to make clear concerning the system of education.

9. Specialization begins in the third year.

10. The baccalaureate students specialized in one or two fields.

III. Из данных предложений выберите те, действие в которых происходило в прошлом, и переведите их.

11. Higher schools range from two-year colleges to major research institutions.

12. A student’s expenses included housing, food, books and personal expenses.

13. The applicant writes an essay of some kind, often autobiographical.

14. The first universities divided courses into various fields of learning and called them “colleges” or “schools”.

15. The members of the faculty (преподаватели) provided instruction by the lecture method and informal discussions.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 419 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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