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1. A distinctive feature of an American University is its two levels. The first
  level is Undergraduate School of four years duration. Here the work of undergraduate students during the first two years usually consists of broadly based studies in humanities, social sciences, applied and natural sciences. The first two years at Undergraduate School are aimed at providing general education and preparing for more special studies. The last two years are devoted almost entirely to the major discipline.
2. If all goes well, this undergraduate education culminates in a Bachelor’s degree. It’s usually known as the first degree and may be a terminal qualification. But it is often considered as a background for further specialization, a step toward higher (or advanced) degree.
3. The advanced degrees (the Master’s degree and the Doctor of Philosophy) can be obtained in Graduate School, which is the second level of university education. There are two levels of graduate school. the lower for obtaining the Master’s degree and the upper level for the doctorate, which is a research degree. A graduate student works for two or three years, during which time he takes courses, passes exams, does some laboratory research under a competent professor, and on submitting a thesis is awarded a Master’s degree, though a thesis is not always required.
4. A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is basically a research degree awarded in recognition of achievement in research. If the graduate student is accepted into the PhD program, after obtaining a Master’s degree, he takes two or three years of advanced courses in his field of interest. During this time he passes exams and does research preparing for his thesis. His research usually culminates in a written dissertation which must demonstrate that the doctoral student has talent and ability for independent research. He comes before a panel of experts in his field and defends his thesis. These are professors from his university or sometimes other universities who question the candidate and finally decide whether he deserves the degree.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 595 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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