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Choose the correct answer. Socialization is the process by which a society passes its norms, values, knowledge and technology to

  1. Socialization is the process by which a society passes its norms, values, knowledge and technology to

a) the next generations

b) other societies

c) children

  1. Can people have the exact socialization experiences?

a) Yes, if they are twins.

b) Yes, if they were brought up by the same parents.

c) No.

  1. The most important years for influencing many of our attitudes are

a) at age 2

b) at age 6

c) at age 17

  1. The process of socialization lasts

a) till 17

b) lifelong

c) till 20

  1. The central question that influenced Mead’s research was

a) What is the religious origin of the self?

b) What is the psycological origin of the self?

c) What is the social origin of the self?

  1. Mead thought that the major forms of symbolic communication were

a) gestures and speech

b) gestures

c) speech

  1. The concept of role explaines

a) how people guide their behavior when they are alone

b) how people guide their behaviour in the presence of others

c) how people behave

  1. The spontaneous part of the self which influences the world is

a) The I

b) The Me

c) your mind

  1. The ability to look at ourselves as a past object is

a) our opinion

b) The Me

c) The I

  1. 10.The separation of mind and body is

a) false

b) true

c) not discussed

  1. Embarrassment is

a) a private event

b) a social event

c) not important

  1. Your master status is

a) your profession

b) your role as a spouse

c) your role as a friend

  1. a) Industrial societies

b) All known societies

c) Poor societies

have a system of ranking.

  1. Stratification means the ranking of individuals on a scale of

a) superiority-inferiority-equality

b) superiority

c) inferiority

  1. There are persons and groups that are valueless

a) by the criteria of “extrinsic” valuation

b) by the criteria of “ intrinsic” valuation

c) according to the religious consept

  1. The term “social class” refers to an aggregate of individuals who

a) occupy a different position on the scale of prestige

b) occupy a similar position on the scale of income

c) occupy a similar position on the scale of prestige

  1. Birth alone determines the person’s class in

a) a caste society

b) an open-class system

c) a feudal system

  1. There is a great deal of rising and falling in the scale

a) in a caste society

b) in an open-class system

c) in a feudal system

  1. By “American” ideals position should be based upon

a) wealth

b) prestige

c) personal qualities and achievements

  1. The propotion of occupations that are poorly paid and heavy

a) has increased

b) has decreased

c) has not changed

  1. Wealth can be used as

a) the symbol of class position

b) the sole criterion of stratification

c) the symbol of personal qualities

  1. The important criteria of status are

a) birth and education

b) wealth and occupation

c) education and occupation

  1. Law is often adjusted to favour

a) the lower -class

b) The middle-class

c) the upper-class

  1. People of different “strata” have

a) differences in beliefs or attitudes

b) the same beliefs or attitudes

c) similar beliefs or attitudes

  1. The more “conservative” opinions are held by

a) the lower-class people

b) the upper-class people

c) the middle-class people

  1. Class systems that do not offer upward mobility through education often lead to

a) high inflation

b) stability

c) less freedoms

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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