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Choose the correct answer. The object of sociology:

  1. The object of sociology:

a) society

b) people

c) social life of society

  1. The subject of sociology:

a) society as a whole

b) social life of society

c) people’s world outlook

  1. The distinctive intellectual tradition we now call sociology began:

a) in the 20th century

b) in the 17th century

c) in the 19th century

  1. The key term of sociology is

a) mutual changing

b) society

c) people

  1. The laws of sociology have

a) permanent

b) probable

c) constant


  1. What academic discipline focuses on the individual?

a) psychology

b) anthropology

c) sociology

  1. To be scientific, the new discipline would have to be based on:

a) traditional theological explanations

b) philosophical explanations

c) the empirical observation of social life

  1. The first sociologists tried to explain

a) how societies appear

b) how societies change

c) how societies change and how they stay the same

  1. What sociologist was one of the most important contributors to the study of the social origin of knowledge?

a) Karl Marnheim

b) Emile Durkheim

c) Herbert Spencer

  1. He is often called the father of modern sociology

a) Karl Marx

b) Auguste Comte

c) Max Weber

  1. Emile Durkheim used ideas and metaphors taken from:

a) psychology studies

b) biology

c) economics studies

  1. What is studied as indicator of society’s evolution for Durkheim?

a) changes in the type of legal systems

b) methods of governing

c) population density

  1. For Durkheim the division of labor his people to each other in what Durkheim called

a) mechanical solidarity

b) organic solidarity

c) social solidarity

  1. Herbert Spencer was the most prominent early sociologist writing

a) in English

b) in French

c) in German

  1. Herbert Spencer is best known for

a) analyzing “the more advanced human races”

b) applying “survival of the fittest”

c) viewing society from the perspective of the exploited

  1. For Spencer acquired characteristics could be

a) inherited

b) changed

c) biologically transmitted to the next generation

  1. Karl Marx analyzed society from the vantage point of

a) the poor

b) the rich

c) the workers

  1. To Marx the surplus value of workers’ labor was used by

a) their families

b) society

c) capitalists

  1. Marx thought that workers could

a) change nothing

b) overthrow their exploiters

c) ask for fair distribution of wealth

  1. Marx stressed

a) the economic arena

b) religion

c) politics

  1. Weber was interested in studying society at

a) the macro level

b) the micro level

c) at both levels

  1. The micro level of sociological analysis is associated with

a) Karl Marx

b) George Herbert Mead

c) Max Weber

Units 3 – 5

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