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Choose the correct answer

  1. Culture exists

a) as ideas in people’s mind

b) as material artifacts

c) both as ideas in people’s mind and as material artifacts

  1. The major engine of change in modern era is

a) technology

b) culture

c) politics

  1. a) Cultural determinism

b) Biological reductionism

c) Phylosophy

insists that culture explains everything.

  1. The term “social biology” was coined by

a) William F.Ogburn

b) Professor Edward O.Wilson

c) George Murdock

  1. Biological differences

a) explain conflicts between groups

b) explain group differences

c) do not explain group differences

  1. A phenotype is

a) a person’s nationality

b) an observable or detectable physical characteristics of a person

c) a person’s behavior

  1. What changes more rapidly?

a) technological culture

b) material culture

c) technological and material culture

  1. It is considered a cultural universal when

a) similar rules occur in almost all societies

b) similar behavior occurs in almost all societies

c) similar laws occur in almost all societies

  1. Language is used for

a) the transmission of informatiom

b) keeping the information

c) storing the information

  1. During the years between 2 and 5, a child learns approximately

a) 1000 words a day

b) 3000 words a day

c) 10000 words a day

  1. A foreign language is learned easier by

a) toddlers

b) students

c) professional linguists

  1. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis proposes that

a) differences in mental processes reflect differences in language

b) differences in language reflect differences in mental processes

c) differences in language don’t reflect anything

  1. On formal occasions people use

a) the language’s standard style

b) a familiar style

c) a casual style

  1. a) Herbert Spenser

b) Karl Marnheim

c) Emile Durkheim

worked on the sociology of knowledge.

  1. Values are

a) the concreate goals of actions

b) the criteria by which goals are chosen

c) desirable actions

  1. The most useful way to detect the normative structure of a society is

a) the observation of rewards

b) the observation of its laws

c) the observation of sanctions

  1. Value-tension leads to

a) progress

b) political struggle

c) cultural change

units 6 – 8

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