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Think of a job and talk about it without telling anyone what the job is

The class have to guess which job you have chosen. Talk about

- What you do

- Qualities you need for the job

- Salary

- Reasons you like/dislike it

Task 4

Paraphrase the quotations. Which do you agree with? Why? Why not?

Discuss them in pairs

I’d rather be a happy street cleaner than an unhappy millionaire.

It doesn’t matter what job you do. It’s how you do it.

Task 5

Which of the following people could help you most in choosing a career? Why?

Parents, teachers, friends, relatives

Model: To me, the people who could help me most in choosing a career would be my teacher because…

Task 6

Which of the following is the most important to you when deciding on a career? Rank them (starting with the most important) and then compare your list to your partner’s.

· long-term career prospects

· personal satisfaction

· a good salary

· an opportunity to travel

· using your initiative

· a chance to meet a lot of people

· a possibility to use your creativity

Task 7

Look at these nouns describing positive qualities: patience, emotional strength, intelligence, care, calmness, honesty, punctuality, decisiveness, creativity.

Task 8

Give the adjectives made from the nouns of Task 7

Example: A person who has (possesses) patience, is a patient person.

Task 9

What qualities in the list are necessary for the job of a support ingineer, physicist? Explain your choice.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 486 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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