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Exercise 4. Make up 2 Chain stories. Look at the situations, and then continue these people thoughts

Make up 2 Chain stories. Look at the situations, and then continue these people thoughts

Situation 1

If I don’t finish this work in time, I will not get a promotion.

Situation 2

If I don’t write my essay I will not get a credit in the major.

Situation 3

If I enter Oxford University, I will be the most diligent student.


Task 1

Make up a dialogue. One of you reads the task on Card 1 and the other reads the task on Card 2. Use the common phrases to ask for the information

Card 1

You are an English student. You are to write an article about a typical Russian University. By chance you happened to visit the South Ural State University. You are to gather as much information as possible. You have heard about this university before and you know that there are such places as School of Physics and Mathematics,

Linguistic Center, “Applicant” center, Gifted Child Center, Open Institute, SUSU Teleradiocenter. Find out where these places are situated in the university and what types of activities do they perform.

Card 2

You are an active member of the Students’ Union and you are accustomed to make tours about the university. So it’s natural that you know the most interesting places of the university. Your task is to be very helpful and provide the English student with all the necessary information about the university.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 398 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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