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Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1

Look at what Jenny and Mark hope will happen in the future. Make sentences using If I, …… I will…..

Example: If I don’t go out so much, I will do more work.

Jenny Mark

If I do more work If I stop smoking

– pass my exams – have more money

– go to university – save some money every week

– study how to run a business – rich when I am thirty

– become a businesswomen – have my own business

– earn a large sum of money – make a lot of money

– travel all over the world – retire when I am forty

Exercise 2

What will you do in the following situations? Complete the sentences

1. If I study hard I will ……

2. If I get a well-paid job I will ….

3. If I miss the classes I will ….

4. If I have a holiday abroad I will ….

5. If I graduate from the university I will ….

6. If I fall ill I will ….

7. If I see my friend has problems I will ….

8. If I have some free time I will ….

9. If I see the book I like I will ….

10. If the weather is fine tomorrow I will ….

11. It I finish my homework early this evening I will ….

Exercise 3

One of you is going for a holiday to an exotic country. The other sees all the problems. Use the prompts to discuss the problems

Example: A – What will you do if the weather is bad?

B – I will read books and go to discos.

A – you don’t like the food?

– there is nowhere to go in the evening?

– you lose your money?

– you don’t understand the language?

– you don’t know anyone?

– you feel homesick?

you lose your passport?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 472 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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