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To respect, respect, respectful

1. Our teacher ______ the opinions of the students.

2. This man is a very ________ one. He treats all the people equally.

3. To deserve the ______ from your colleagues you need to be a highly qualified



Task 1

Discuss in groups of four. What are the factors Russian students should keep in mind to succeed in a university? Give your opinion using the following phrases

I think that… Я думаю, что …..

I believe that… Я полагаю, что …..

I suppose that … Я полагаю, что …..

I have my own point of view on the subject. У меня на этот счет своя точка зрения.

As I see it ….. На мой взгляд …..

That’s the way I see it. Таково мое мнение.

Example: I think that a Russian student should keep in mind that he is responsible for the education he gets and that nobody will do things for him or instead of him. That’s the way I see it.

Task 2

Ask for the opinions of other members of your group using the following phrases.

Practise these phrases before using them in speech

What do you think about…? Что ты думаешь о…?

What’s your opinion…? Каково твое мнение о…?

What is your point of view on the problem?

Какова твоя точка зрения на проблему?

Example: – That’s the way I see the problem. And what do you think about it?

– I think that a Russian student should develop the ability to study that is to search for knowledge and not just take the ready knowledge.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 312 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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