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Finish the sentences using the information from the text

1. To enter university a student with secondary education have to _________

2. The types of higher institutions in Russia are___________

3. After 6 years of training a student gets _________

4. A traditional Russian final qualifying degree is that of a _______

5. The function of the Intermediate Higher Education degree is to provide_____

6. Final state certification includes_______

Task 4

Look at the scheme of giving а summary to the text and enumerate the 4 main

elements of the summary

1. Give the title of the text summarized.

The title of the text is….

2. Begin the summary with one of the introductory general phrases:

The text deals with… (speaks about, say that, present, points out, describes, is devoted to, gives some comments on, offers an overview)

3. The main body must not be more than six plain statements generalizing the main ideas of the text in a logical sequence.

4. Conclude the abstract with your personal opinion of both the content and the language used, using given phrases:

The text is informative….; The text is dry, dull and boring…; The reading of the text gives (does not give) some satisfaction and pleasure…

The information is up-to-date (out-of-date)…

The text is (not) worth reading and abstracting….

There are practically no unknown words….

Task 5

Look at the example summary and say what element among the enumerated ones

does it lack? Give your own variant of the summary.


The title of the text is “Higher Education in Russia “.

The text offers an overview of the Russian educational system.

There are different types of higher educational institutions in Russia. They are universities, academies and institutes. Each educational institution has its peculiarities. They can grant the following types of degrees and diplomas. Intermediate Diploma: to get such a diploma at least 2 years of training is needed. Bachelor’s degree requires not less than 4 years of training and you need 5 or 6 years of training to get the Diploma of a Specialist, which is the traditional final qualifying degree in Russia and you can get Master’s degree after 6 years of training.

Vocabulary practice

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 567 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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